In the unfolding energy transition, the desire to meet climate goals must be balanced with commercial objectives and the need for secure supply. Empower your business and support the transition to greener energy with a transparent view of today’s interconnected and unpredictable energy markets. ...
2023, Energy Reports Citation Excerpt : The development of green technology is a meaningful tool to prevent massive energy and cross a limit. We can save energy by using technology to cut off or reduce equipment’s power when it is not in use (for example, smart thermostats, occupancy sensor...
This dominant view is often reproduced in media reports about recent developments in the South China Sea, the Mediterranean or the Artic, which are framed as ‘energy battles’. In a carbon-constrained world, the geopolitics of energy will revolve around ‘abundance’ and ‘access to markets’ ...
Hello, please what is the acceptance rate %? and response time?Thanks Reply MMelanie Ortiz 4 years ago Dear Aissi,thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with your request, we suggest you visit the journal's homepage or contact the journal’s editorial staff , so th...
are insignificant in rejecting the null of non-stationarity. However, Maddala’s test rejects the null of non-stationarity of the POPD at 1% significance; the CIPS reports otherwise. Our conclusion is based on the results of CIPS, and we observe that all the variables are level-stationary; sa...
The energy assessment reports for both groups followed an identical format including a custom list of energy saving recommendations. Installed measures and first year savings were tracked through incentive applications received by Xcel Energy. Group 1 - the treatment group - which had received the ...
required for hydrogen transportation and distribution. Figure7reports our uncertainty analysis for hydrogen energy. First, we find that climate goals are the most important factors that influence the expansion of hydrogen energy. Specifically, the use of hydrogen energy exhibits a significant exponential ...
[37], which mentioned fire and explosion hazards as well as electromagnetic radiation as perceived risks. The study also reports that stationary battery storage systems may be more acceptable if situated out of the way or if the technology fit in with the environment, a finding that is ...
Most of the literature and reports have advocated for the direct elimination of subsidies for new energy vehicles. We posit this course of action is unadvisable. In this analysis, we believe that the industrial policy of new energy vehicles has been implemented for 18 years. The R&D and ... Google Scholar [68] IRENA Renewable Energy: A Gender Perspective IRENA, Abu Dhabi (2019) Google Scholar [69] Data USA Electricians Retrieved from (2018) https://data...