Since internal energy reflects the potential energy of the gas, this term has to do with how the potential of the interactions between gas molecules changes as they move closer together or farther apart. However, we assume that gas particles do not interact in an ideal gas, so (dU/dV)T =...
Question: What is the average kinetic energy (in eV) of oxygen molecules (O2) at a temperature of 340K? Assume oxygen to be an ideal gas. Average kinetic energy of ideal gas: The average kinetic energy of an ideal gas at absolute ...
Internal energy of an ideal gas depends on :- View Solution At ordinary temperatures, the molecules of an ideal gas have only translational and rotational kinetic energies. At high temperatures, they may also have vibrational energy. As a result of this, at higher temperatures, molar specific he...
This contribution starts with the discussion on the classification of energy, and then the behaviors of various thermodynamic processes are analyzed, accompanying with the comparison of the adiabatic compression process of an ideal gas and an elastic rod. All these analyses show that the internal ener...
(total) energy of random motion of particles 问题6:By reference to intermolecular forces, explain why the change in internal energy of an ideal gas is equal to the change in total kinetic energy of its molecules. 解析: 通过讨论分子间作用力来解释内能的变化=总动能的变化。
We have recently demonstrated that, when investigating the internal energy and pressure of an ideal boson gas at temperatures below the Bose-Einstein temperature, it is necessary to include the contribution from the kinetic energy of the particles in the condensate. Here we express the same requirem...
The chemical exergy of an ideal gas is defined as (11.6)exjch=xjex¯jch+RT0xln(xj) where ex¯jch is the standard chemical exergy value of species j. 11.5.5 Energy efficiency The energy efficiency is a measure of the useful energy from a system to the input energy for this system...
What is the temperature of an ideal gas whose molecules have an average translational kinetic energy of {eq}3.90 \times 10^{-20} \ J? {/eq} Kinetic Energy of an Ideal Gas: The molecules of an ideal gas do not attract each other sinc...
The meaning of EQUIPARTITION OF ENERGY is an ideal condition postulated as existing among the molecules, atoms, and ions of a gas or vapor wherein the total heat energy is equally apportioned among the various degrees of freedom possessed by those partic
How is the internal energy of a real gas differs from that of an ideal gas? What is the internal energy for a real gas? What is the difference between ideal gas and real gas? What is the energy source for the motion of gas in the atmosphere? Write on...