1、第七章 能量代谢和体温,第一节 能量代谢,能量代谢(energy metabolism),物质代谢过程中所伴随着的能量的贮存、释放、和利用,一、食物的能量转化,(一)三磷酸腺苷是体内能量转化和利用的关键物质,三磷酸腺苷 磷酸肌酸,(二)几种主要营养物质的能量转化,糖 供给机体生命活动所需要的能量 1mol葡萄糖完全氧化所释放的...
生理学课件 7能量代谢energy metabolism 第七章能量代谢与体温 四川中医药高等专科学校生理学教研室侯勇E-mail:houy67@sina.com 生物体的基本特征是新陈代谢 新陈代谢 (物质代谢)同化作用(合成代谢)异化作用(分解代谢)--耗能 能量代谢 --放能 生物体内物质代谢中伴随着的能量的释放、转移和利用,称...
体温调定点的定义能量代谢Energymetabolism定义.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Age Emotional stress Muscle activity Food, drugs Physiological changes of the body temperature Important to ...
1、Energy metabolism and body temperature,Energy metabolism,Defined as the metabolic processes by which energy is made available for the use of the body,Energy metabolism,定义:生物体内物质代谢过程中所伴随着的能量释放、转移、贮存和利用。,Pathway of energy use,Energy sources,1) Carbohydrate A. ...
第七章能量代谢与体温energymetabolismandbodytempera教程教案.ppt,第七章 能量代谢与体温 energy metabolism and body temperature 第一节 能量代谢 定义:生物体内在物质代谢过程中所伴随 着的能量的释放、贮存、转移和利 用等称为能量代谢。 ; 一、机体能量的来源及利用
暨南大学:生理学:8 energy metabolism.PPT 备注:本文章/文件仅为课件“暨南大学:生理学”(或其中一个章节)的简单文本/文件预览版,可能不包括课件的图片、视频、音频、动画等相关素材,本文章/文件与课件详细内容可能有较大差异,部分音视频、flash等多媒体文件可能因客户端没有安装相关插件而无法预览,建议用户下载完整...
Energy and Metabolism Energy: kj- unit of work or kcal- heat energy Energy: kj- unit of work or kcal- heat energy the capacity to do work. Two types: the. Enzymes. Learning Target: 1. Recognize enzymes as catalysts: a. Protein molecules that function to lower activation energy (increas...
ENERGY BUDGET Feasting – when a person eats more than he/she needs, excess energy will be stored as: 1. Glycogen – excess carbohydrate 2. Body fat – excess carbohydrate, fat, protein, or alcohol 3. Metabolism favors fat formation especially when the excess energy is derived from dietary ...
能量代谢Energymetabolism定义 Energymetabolism Definition Themetabolicprocessesbywhichenergyismadeavailablefortheuseofthebody Themainsourcesofchemicalenergyarecarbohydrates,fats,andprotein.(Hypothalamus:thetemperature-,andthefoodintake-regulatingsystem)ThebreakdownoforganicmoleculesliberatestheenergyandATP...
Slowing of Metabolism Energy Balance Fasting—Inadequate Energy Symptoms of Starvation Muscle wasting Decreased heart rate, respiratory rate, metabolic rate, and body temperature Impaired vision Organ failure Decreased immunity Depression, anxiety, and food-related dreams...