Figure 2. (a) Schematic illustration of an experimental apparatus consisting of a top tank (OT), valve (V), test section with sample (TS), pump (P) and tank (ST); (b) harvested voltage in relation to the flow velocity for HCl concentrations of [0.3 M and 0.6 M] for the ...
The energy spent to transfer a unit mass of fluid through the channel undergoes an outstanding reduction of 22% of the energy requirement in an uncontrolled scenario with the same flow rate. From a different perspective, the time employed by a unit mass of fluid to travel for a prescribed ...
target_pres integer 20000 target simulation pressure unit:Bar.(20000Bar==2GPa) work_base_dir string "/home/fengbo/4_Sn/14_free_energy_airflow_test" should be changed to the dir will this file locates ti_path string "t" or "p" indicate protocol used inthis calculation in TI calculation...
It was found that this electrochemical cell generates high flow rates of hydrogen during its separation through a proton-conducting membrane from H2 + Ar mixture, about 500 cm3 h-1 cm-2 at a current den-sity of 0.6 A cm-2 as well as about 370 cm3 h-1 cm-2 at a current density of...
In the case of a fault close to SGs, it was observed that the WTs improve transient stability with their contribution to the power flow for synchronizing forces in the network. Edrah et al. [42] have implemented various scenarios into three generators 9-bus test system using an SG and a...
Then, we perform the linear GC test. Finally, a nonlinear causality test is conducted. The results for the linear Granger tests are given in Table 8. It emerges a bidirectional causal flow (feedback mechanism) between energy use and CO2 emissions. Thus, energy use causes CO2 emission, ...
To help meet this demand, ABB, Deltamarin, and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland partnered to build a ship energy flow simulator using MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Simscape™. The simulator enables engineers to test, evaluate, and implement novel technologies with fewer prototyp...
whereyi(i = CO, NO, and NO2) is the volumetric or molar fraction of each gas species (mi3/mgas3);ρiis the density of each gas species (kgi/mi3);\(\dot{V}\)is the volumetric flow of the combustion gases (mgas3/s);tpis the total time of the test duration (s);Ew1an...
In an open system, water moisture in humid air flow is adsorbed when discharging energy; the desorbed water vapor is carried away by a hot dry scrubbing air stream when charging energy. Open system is simpler and cheaper with better heat and mass transfer performance, it is advantaged with ...
select article A fluid dynamics perspective on the flow dependent performance of honey comb microbial fuel cells Research articleAbstract only A fluid dynamics perspective on the flow dependent performance of honey comb microbial fuel cells Thangavel Sangeetha, I-Ting Li, Tzu-Hsuan Lan, Chin-Tsan Wan...