Fokker—Planck Equation in Total Energy Space - ScienceDirectELSEVIERModern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences
The drift is linear in In(epsilon(r)) and the diffusion is constant. With these coefficients, the equation can be solved exactly, giving a Gaussian probability density function for In(epsilon(r)). The mean and variance of this quantity are discussed in comparison with other log-normal models...
often calledμandη5. The functionμencodes changes in Poisson’s equation, whileηdescribes the difference between the time distortion and the spatial distortion of the metric, the so-called
where\(\vec {v}_o\)is the velocity vector of the oceanic flow and\(\vec {n}\)is the vector normal to the strait. Furthermore, x defines the width along the strait, with the straits’ starting point x\(_s\)and the end point x\(_e\). The straits’ depth is given by z, whe...
As we noticed from the utility function in Equation (16), increasing energy consumption will have a negative impact on the utility value of the UAV. On the other hand, increasing the coverage score will have a positive impact on the utility value while taking into considerations the ...
The three-input majority gate is programmed to produce an ‘AND’ gate or an ‘OR’ gate by setting a binary value of ‘0’ or ‘1’ to one of its inputs. Thus, fixing input C in Equation (11) to the value of ‘0’ can produce an ‘AND’ gate with the Boolean expression given...
It means that the effect of interaction cannot be distinguished from the effect of an additional non-interacting fluid with the constant equation of state wint = n/3 − 2. Therefore if we consider a mixture of all three non-interacting fluids we obtain the coefficient equation of state for...
Luiz Carlos de AlmeidaiMedPub
Investigation on energy straggling of protons via Fokker-Planck equation. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 288, 89-93.H. Noshad, S.S. Bahador, Investigation on energy straggling of protons via Fokker-Planck equation, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B, 288, 89-93 (2012)....
The results of the FP approach agree very well with Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) results.P. KumarS. NarayananS. AdhikariM.I. FriswellJournal of Sound and VibrationKumar P, Narayanan S, Adhikari S, et al. (2014) Fokker- Planck equation analysis of randomly excited nonlinear energy harvester....