HVAC building automation offers a complete solution to safeguard people and assets, ensuring comfort, continuity, and efficiency while managing energy consumption and carbon emissions. They regulate incoming air flow from outside to adjust temperatures, achieving energy savings ranging from 10% to 30%....
One of the main challenges is the higher upfront cost of building or retrofitting to energy-efficient standards. While energy-efficient technologies and materials have become more affordable in recent years, they can still represent a significant investment for developers, builders, and property owners...
On-demand webinar: Energy-efficient design using concrete and masonry- this webinar gives ten tips for excellent year-round thermal performance. Thermal Mass Explained- whatever the building type, the use of thermal mass requires a basic working knowledge of its function and how best to use it....
While energy-efficient construction now seems to be taken for granted, there is still room for reducing CO2 emissions in the manufacture of construction materials. Thus, on some projects the engineers under-take material research, product development, support the use of recycled building materials ...
L. Jayamaha, "Energy-efficient building systems," McGraw-Hill, 2007.Dr. Lal Jayamaha, Energy-efficient building systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, p. xiii, 2007.Jayamaha L (2007). Energy Efficient Building Systems: Green Strategies for Operation and Maintenance. McGraw-Hill, New York....
aThe energy-efficient commercial buildings deduction: Permits businesses to deduct the cost of energy-efficient commercial building property placed in service during the year, up to a limit of $1.80 per square foot and limited by prior Sec. 179D deductions on the building 省能源的商业大厦扣除: ...
Energy Efficient and Reconfigurable Transceivers Energy Efficient Broadcast Tree Energy efficient building Energy Efficient Building Association Energy efficient buildings Energy Efficient Buildings Joint Technology Initiative Energy Efficient Codes Coalition
The steps include (i) the selection and aggregation procedure of the loan-level data, (ii) the definition of energy-efficient building ratings, and (iii) the methodology of merging the two data sets. In addition, we present the selection of variables for the analysis and the respective ...
Besides, it has been demonstrated in nine Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries that energy-efficient behaviour is more prevalent among people concerned about the environment (Urban & Ščasný,2012). There are several case studies from across the region that of...
Building an energy-efficient home If you have the resources and are interested in maximizing the benefits of energy-efficient house design, you could consider starting from the ground up andbuilding a home. Building an energy-efficient home from scratch lets you infuse every aspect of your home’...