Soares, N., Dias Pereira, L., Ferreira, J., Conceicao, P., and Pereira da Silva, P., (2015), Energy efficiency of higher education buildings: a case study, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 16(5), 669-691....
Learn how Reed College in Oregon saved $250,000 annually through energy efficiency measures paid for with an ESPC from Ameresco in this case study.
Building energy efficiency Building retrofit supply chain Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial approaches Business models One-stop shop (OSS) Energy performance contracting (EPC) 1. Introduction This study deals with a somewhat disregarded topic, namely, the role played by innovative business models (BMs) in ...
theimportanceofenergyefficiencyacasestudy能源效率案例研究的重要性_ok 系统标签: energyefficiencyimportance重要性能源case + PlayofPresentation Inordertoviewthepresentation,eachslideneedstobeadvanced manually. Theaudiohowever,willplayautomaticallyattheadvancementofthe slide. 8/31/2021 1 + TheImportanceofEnergy Ef...
The Importance of Energy Efficiency – A case study of :能源效率–案例研究的重要性.ppt,New Zealand Resource Management Act 1991 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Co
Integrated DSM Case Study • Energy Efficiency, Load Management, and Demand Response Can managers of thoroughly modern buildings continuously find new efficiencies, reduce energy consumption, and lower peak demand while maintaining a comfortable work environ- ment? At Yahoo!, the relentless search for...
Case study regarding the energy efficiency of green buildings envelope Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revista Romn de Inginerie CivilCorsiuc, GeorgianaMrza, Carmen
Net Zero Energy Efficiency Carbon Offset ESOS Bureau TM44Case Studies ESOS Case Study: Helping our customers use their ESOS reports to create business improvements ESOS is a Government-led scheme introduced to incentivise large businesses to embrace energy efficiency initiatives and cut down on the ca...
AEP 将 Utilidata 的 VVO 解决方案 AdaptiVolt™ 部署在来自俄亥俄州 Gahanna 的一个变电站的 6 条 13.8 kV 馈线上。使用 RF 网状遥测网络,AdaptiVolt™ 与八个线路电压监视器(部署在配电系统的初级上)、十五个基于现场的开关电容器组、两组中线电压调节器和六组三个单相电压调节器进行通信在变电站。 A...
Buonomano, A., et al., Dynamic Energy Performance Analysis: Case Study for Energy Efficiency Retrofits of Hospital Buildings, Energy, 78 (2014), pp. 555-572Buonomano A, Calise F, Ferruzzi G, Palombo A. Dynamic energy performance analysis: case study for energy efficiency retrofits of ...