An evaluation of the amount of energy dissipated because of alternating plasticity is also provided.doi:10.1007/BF00987173Alberto CarpinteriClaudio ScaviaKluwer Academic PublishersMeccanicaAlberto Carpinteri and Claudio Scavia, Energy dissipation due to frictional shake-down on a closed crack, subjected ...
(redirected fromDissipated energy) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia friction surface resistance to relative motion; the rubbing of one surface against another; discord, dissidence, antagonism, clash, contention:The disagreement caused a lot of friction between the friends. ...
These demand patterns allow the water network to be simulated and the energy balance to be calculated to determine the percentage of energy dissipated by friction losses, the energy necessary for irrigation, the non-recoverable energy, and the theoretically available energy. In the case of Vallada ...
friction (redirected from Dissipated energy)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. friction [frik´shun] the act of rubbing. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All...
The dissipated energy by dry friction may be Changes in the contact state due to stick/slip behaviour The MHBM has a major interest here as it allows defining a phase parameter that describes changes in boundary conditions within stick/slip motions. The nonlinear tangential force can be convenien...
Interaction of structure, microscopic limit of elasticity and internal friction of composite materials produced by methods of electron beam technology As performance index was considered the dissipated energy on vibration cycle. On choosing the nonlinear dynamic vibration absorber Figure 6 shows the dissipat...
Semi‐active behavior is provided by two piezoelectric stack actuators driven in real time to apply a normal force on a mobile component through two friction pads. Theoretical and experimental results show that there is an optimal constant normal force to maximize the energy dissipated for the case...
The relationship is revealed when the rate of change of the considered parameter (friction coefficient COF, accumulated dissipated energy ADE) with respect to the sliding distance is expressed as a function of the parameter itself. Interestingly, the power exponent in this relationship is found to ...
求翻译:Damage occurs when the energy is dissipated in the frictional sliding along preexisting flaw and the growth of wing cracks. The excavation-damage zone can be further divided into loose zone and plastic zone. The loose zone is close to the tunnel wall and is delineated by a more rapid...
Energy dissipation capacity of an RC structural element is achieved through energy dissipated by the steel reinforcement, energy dissipated by friction along existing cracks in concrete, and energy dissipated during the formation of new cracks[56,58,77,106,128,171]. The latter implied that the open...