Energy cannot be created or destroyed, (1)___ (mean) that the total amount of energy in the universe has always been and will always be constant. However, this does not mean energy is unchangeabl e. It (2) ___ change form and even transfer between objects. A common example of ene...
Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, but it can change forms and is also related to mass. The mass-energy equivalence theory states an object at rest in a frame of reference has a rest energy. If additional energy is supplied to the object, it actually increases that object's mass. ...
Heat,as a form of energy,cannot be created or destroyed.heat can be transferred from one substance to another.Heat always tends to pass from warmer objects to cooler ones.When a warm substance comes in contact with a cold substance,giving some of its energy to the cold molecules.This is ...
Answer to: Fill in the blanks: The ___ states that energy cannot be created or destroyed and is also known as the law of ___. By...
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. This is the law of conservation of energy, a most important law of nature. As stated above, energy is energy, no matter what form it takes. For our purposes here, I want to focus mostly on electrical energy. ...
Where does the energy in the Sun comes from since energy cannot be made or produced?If energy cannot be created or destroyed, where did it come from?Explain the process that is responsible for the energy in the sun.How does solar energy ...
A very important principle of physics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it is only possible to convert (or transform) energy from one form to another. So, another way of thinking about the processes we mentioned would be to see them as energy conversions.For example, ...
Energycannotbecreatedordestroyed, butitcanbetransferredfromoneformbutitcanbetransferredfromoneform toanother. CifEConservationofEnergy Twomainformsofenergywewilllookat are–are– Kineticenergyduetomotion. Potentialenergyortheabilitytodowork. ASkydive–intermsofenergywhatcanwesayisASkydiveintermsofenergywhatcanwe...
•Example:Doublingthemasswilldoubleits kineticenergy,butdoublingitsspeedwillquadrupleitskineticenergy PotentialEnergy •PotentialEnergyisstoredenergythatresultsfromthepositionorshapeofanobject.GravitationalPotentialEnergy •GravitationalPotentialEnergyisrelatedtoanobject’sheight GravitationalPotentialEnergy –Anobject’...
Energy cannot be created or destroyed according to the law of conservation of energy. However, it can be transformed or converted into different forms. This concept is known as the principle of energy conservation. Energy can change from one form to another, such as potential energy to kinetic...