You may be less likely to check your energy bills if they're not coming through your letterbox, but don't be tempted to skip reviewing your costs. As outlined above, there are often mistakes that could cost you hundreds if left unnoticed!
Ofgem: Why Questions on Energy Bills Are Piling Up ; ENERGY ANALYSISTHREE questions. Has anyone heard whether their household energyprices are coming down any time...By LeaRobert
So it’s more important than ever to stay focused on building a renewable, home-grown energy system to bring costs down and give households stability. “In the short term, though, anyone struggling with bills should speak to their supplier to make sure they’re getting the help they need ...
In contrast, renewable energy uses the sun as its basic fuel. That fuel is free and the cost of the technology that transforms it to energy and stores it for our use has been coming down rapidly. Just as the price of computer memory has come down dramatically over the past several decade...
16. ‘Shut down’ unused rooms If you have a spare room in your home, the chances are you won’t be using it all the time. Reducing the heating in any unoccupied spaces will lower your bills. You can do this by turning down the radiator temperature valves in the rooms you’re not ...
ways to save energy in our guide.You can alsodownload Uswitch's free mobile app, which connects to your smart meter and gives you personalised insights into your energy usage. This will show you where you can make positive changes to keep bills down as much as possible. Find out more ...
The drop in the cost of bills "may only be temporary", however, according to one respected research firm.
Smart controls will monitor everything from ventilation to heating and lighting, helping to cut energy bills in the process. Pearl River Tower, Guangzhou, China: Guangzhou’s Pearl River makes use of cutting edge technology — such as solar panels and low energy lighting systems — to cement ...
Down or synthetic-filled comforters provide insulation with little weight. And electric blankets generate warmth at a small cost in electrical energy. The winter months can bring with them high heating bills, even for those who like to keep their homes on the cool side. In the summer, air ...
Lowering your energy and water billsis one option, and your laundry room is a good place to start. Washing machines and dryers can use a lot of water and electricity (or gas, if you have a gas dryer), particularly if you have an older model in your home. If you typically wash weekly...