Pay your bill Help and support Need to pay your bill? Pay online with a credit card Use your MasterCard®, Visa or American Express® to pay quickly and securely. Pay now Pay using My Account Sign in or register now to pay your bills in one secure place, or set up regular paym...
Not sure if anyone else has had similar issues, but it seems Energy Australia's online billing platform has some serious issues. Last month, I got my regular quarterly bill (via e-mail) for my electricity account. It was as expected, no problems. ...
Redesigning the energy bill is a great start. Only 33% of consumers find it very easy to understand and pay their energy bills, and nearly all (92%) want new digital bill capabilities, including the ability to analyze usage. At the other end of the technology spectrum, consumers are ...
Resistance is growing to spiralling domestic energy costs in Britain as more than 75,000 irritated people in the UK have pledged not to pay their electricity bill this fall when prices jump again. If the government & energy companies refuse to act then ordinary people will! Together we can en...
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2018-Jan-15 — /EPR ENERGY NEWS/ — When you need to recharge yourself and your 12V system, look no further than an Adventure Kings Solar charging system. We have pioneered a range that starts from a simple 10W USB solar charger to a fully fledged...
Alinta Energy is committed to getting the balance right - so that everyday Australians can enjoy reliable and affordable energy that also considers the future. As both a retailer and generator of power, we’re working everyday to make that a reality.
Consumers are more interested than ever in clean energy options but 70% say they won’t spend more of their time or money to take action. Read more.
0.000.00%57.500.0000:00:00 Bid PriceOffer PriceHigh PriceLow PriceOpen Price 57.4057.50 Industry SectorTurnoverProfitEPS - BasicPE RatioMarket Cap - Last Trade TimeTrade TypeTrade SizeTrade PriceCurrency -O057.50GBX Ophir Energy (OPHR) Latest News ...
Your local business energy partner in Western Australia. Carbon Neutral Electricity|Electricity|Solar|Batteries|Carbon Neutral Gas|Natural Gas Whether you are a start up, a small-to-medium sized business or a large industrial or commercial operation across multiple sites, our energy services are desig...
Some online comparison sites compare only 4 energy retailers. Let our Pulse®Analytics engine compare over 5,000 electricity plans across Australia. Your unique needs A typical energy comparison uses just one energy reading. Pulse®Analytics uses over 259,000 quarterly energy readings to identify ...