Pennslyvania Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Pollution Prevention and Energy Assistance Rhode Island Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources South Carolina Energy Office South Dakota Bureau of Administration, Energy Management Office Tennessee Tennessee Department of Environment & Co...
Goal 7, affordable and clean energy: We advocate for the federally-funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Goal 6, clean water and sanitation: We have an Environmental Management Plan to develop or refine processes in order to ensure continued compliance with water quality regul...
The 2013-2014 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)has been established to help qualifying low-income Iowa homeowners andrenters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs for the winter heating season. The assistance is based on household income, household size, type of fuel...
energymanagerworkwiththecommunitiestodevelopanenergymanagementplan.Thisprogram willstartinearly2014. *NEW*ExpandingCombinedHeatandPowerinIowa Throughthisproject,IowawillcollaboratewiththeIowaDepartmentofNaturalResourcesto streamlinetheCHPpermittingprocess.Inaddition,IowawillexplorethemarketpotentialforCHPin thecommercial...
The 2013-2014 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)has been established to help qualifying low-income Iowa homeowners andrenters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs for the winter heating season. The assistance is based on household income, household size, type of fuel,...
TheLow-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), a federally funded financial assistance program to help pay for energy costs. To check income eligibility and learn how to apply, visit: In In ...
(importing) governments. By the time financing institutions such as the IMF and World Bank are requested for assistance, there are often few options but consumption subsidy reform to strengthen a country’s fiscal position. Governments, however, remain wary of implementing reforms fast, frightened ...
Iowa-based Critical Materials Recycling was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy as one of six companies to receive a $500,000 cash prize and $100,000 in assistance from national laboratories. Iowa company recycles rare earth materials...
Since FEMA still has several billion dollars in its disaster relief fund, the basic recovery work the agency supports is unlikely to be significantly delayed if Congress clears an assistance package in December. But the Small Business Administration has been out of money for a month to...
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