” said Lauren Holmes, who oversees energy assistance programs for the Louisiana Housing Corp. “That’s outside the scope of weatherization. We can’t go in and insulate an attic if you’ve got a four foot
extended until May 8, 2024, the emergency declaration granting regulatory relief from hours of service requirements for drivers providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts related to the collapse of the bridge and partial closure of the Port of Baltimore in the State of Maryland.....
With the HEP Energy Auditor Certification, you can qualify for Weatherization Assistance Program work being funded by the federal government. This credential will open you up to a new and exclusive revenue stream. "Very satisfied with the class and the way the information was explained. It is ...
Assistance w energy contracts, power planning supply,Audit of Reliability Investment Incentive MechanismAudit of T&D Construction ProgramManagement Audit and Generation Operations ReviewTelco Market & Performance Assurance Plan AnalysisComprehensive Management Audit CONTACT US:Phone: 305-744-3440jgormley@...
the Biden-Harris Administration is convening these stakeholders at the White House today to explore innovative policy solutions to unlock the deployment of modern grid technologies and share best practices. The Federal government stands ready to provide technical and financial assistance and can help prov...
A part of ESCC is the Cyber Mutual Assistance Program that provides for shared cyber, IT, and other resources and expertise in the event of a cyberattack. The structure allows for participating organizations to cross-leverage services, people, and tools, which is ...
A part of ESCC is the Cyber Mutual Assistance Program that provides for shared cyber, IT, and other resources and expertise in the event of a cyberattack. The structure allows for participating organizations to cross-leverage services, people, and tools, which is an ef...
PUC Orders Utilities To Propose Changes To Low-Income Assistance Program To Address Problems From Shopping PUC Notes Accepting Low-Income Energy Assistance Is Voluntary, Says Restrictions On Assistance Customer Shopping Would Not Violate Choice Statute A PUC has ordered ... Click for More ALJ Pr...
1.2 Scope This document provides recommendations and design assistance to designers, developers, and owners of grocery stores that will encourage steady progress toward net ZEBs. To ease the burden of the design and construction of energy-efficient retail stores, it describes a set of designs that...
wrote the manuscript with the assistance of E.P. Corresponding authors Correspondence to John Goutsias or Andrew P Feinberg. Ethics declarations Competing interests The authors declare no competing financial interests. Supplementary information Supplementary Text and Figures Supplementary Figures 1–8 and ...