extended until May 8, 2024, the emergency declaration granting regulatory relief from hours of service requirements for drivers providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts related to the collapse of the bridge and partial closure of the Port of Baltimore in the State of Maryland.....
The law enhanced the Affordable Care Act’s financial assistance that is available to consumers to purchase health insurance. Millions of Americans are saving, on average, about $800 a year on their health insurance plans, with more than 80 percent of consumers able to find health insurance for...
1.2 Scope This document provides recommendations and design assistance to designers, developers, and owners of grocery stores that will encourage steady progress toward net ZEBs. To ease the burden of the design and construction of energy-efficient retail stores, it describes a set of designs that...
A part of ESCC is the Cyber Mutual Assistance Program that provides for shared cyber, IT, and other resources and expertise in the event of a cyberattack. The structure allows for participating organizations to cross-leverage services, people, and tools, which is an ef...
A part of ESCC is the Cyber Mutual Assistance Program that provides for shared cyber, IT, and other resources and expertise in the event of a cyberattack. The structure allows for participating organizations to cross-leverage services, people, and tools, which is ...
In recent decades, the automotive industry has moved towards the development of advanced driver assistance systems to enhance the comfort, safety, and energy saving of road vehicles. The increasing connection and communication between vehicles (V2V) and infrastructure (V2I) enables further opportunities ...
Another option to reach the neediest sectors would be for Section 8, the state voucher program to assist low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled obtain affordable housing, to require basic weatherization and energy efficiency standards, with technical and financial assistance where ...
The Anthropocene thesis poses new challenges to human activity on the planet. These challenges also apply to the built environment. Climate change will increase existing threats, and create new ones, for both human and natural systems. Above all, the bui
The development of motorcyclist friendly road-restraint systems through accident investigation, regulation analysis and manufacturers’ system evaluation assistance. In Proceedings of the 32nd FISITA World Automotive Congress, Munich, Germany, 14–19 September 2008; Volume 2, pp. 362–374. [Google ...