ENERGFUEL的2012年的影响因子是3.047,它在工程技术类的大类分区中是二区。小类分区中,ENGINEERING,CHEMICAL小类里是二区,但在ENERGY&FUELS小类里是三区,就看你们学校怎么选择了。有些学校就高不就低,会认为是二区的。 00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 2022年 节能期刊 杂志社 在线投稿入口 文稿要求基本要求1....
Energy and Fuels ,给力resubmission.因为一个是拒稿。审稿人的意见,已经point by point 回答了,都是...
and the improvement of these existing processes as well as renewable concepts for fuel development are also topics of central importance. Once this energy is generated, improvements in the efficient use and distribution of this energy have the potential to make a large impact closer to the point ...
Energy StorageThermal energy storageChemical energy storageNuclear EnergyNew fuel sourcesNuclear reprocessing & breeder reactorsSubcritical reactorsWaste reduction/managementSafetyRenewable EnergyBioenergy, biofuels and co-production with other productsSolar energy and photovoltaicsHydrogen, batteries & fuel cellsWind...
This paper describes the principal patterns of Soviet domestic energy consumption and presents the specific Soviet programme for energy conservation in individual sectors of the economy and industry. The paper also presents the principal aspects of a new Soviet energy programme, still under development,...
energy and fuel期刊相关问题已有3人参与 请问一下各位虫友,投了energy and fuels 返回意见编辑说还有第二轮审查,这个是什么意思啊,是还有送给新的审稿人吗?还是每个邮件都会写这个。。。已修改完,上传了。。。焦急,回复此楼» 猜你喜欢恭喜自己俩篇核心论文全中!!! 已经有7人回复 能否把国自然申报截止日期延...
Resting energy expenditure and fuel metabolism following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in severely obese women: relationships with excess weight ... Resting energy expenditure and fuel metabolism following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in severely obese women: relationships with excess weight...
Additionally, operating on versatile range of fuels, higher power rate, capability to produce energy both locally and globally, easy installation and operation have made the fuel cell a promising clean, efficient and economics energy conversion technology [6], [5]. Fuel cell, which is ...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Galtier, F., Farret, A., Verdier, R. et al. Resting energy expenditure and fuel metabolism following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in severely obese women: relationships with excess weight lost. Int J Obes 30, 1104–1110 (...