energy and buildings在2015中科院分区是 分大类与小类 11.jpg liouzhan654 4楼: Originally posted by anglor at 2016-03-21 07:49:18 非常感谢。请问您是在fenqubiao.com上查的吗? 看截图像是letpub上查的,我在letpub查是2区,在虫友分享的2015最新中科院JCR分区的excel表上查是1区,所以需要能在fenqubi...
AbstractA clean environment with low carbon emissions is the goal of research on the development of green and sustainable buildings that use bio-sourced materials in conjunction with solar energy to create more sustainable cities. This is particularly true in Africa, where there aren’t many studies...
AbstractA clean environment with low carbon emissions is the goal of research on the development of green and sustainable buildings that use bio-sourced materials in conjunction with solar energy to create more sustainable cities. This is particularly true in Africa, where there aren’t many studies...