(12) Decision in Process:编辑处于作出决定状态,一般会在1周左右对论文作出决定,编辑会综合各个审稿人的意见,对论文给出接收意见或者继续修改意见。(13) Accept:论文接收,期刊系统会发送录用邮件至通讯作者邮箱。(14) 论文排版:大概录用1周之后,编辑部会对论文内容进行排版,如果编辑部门对论文有疑问会邮件联...
2021年11月23日-Decision in Process 2021年11月27日-Revise(给了6个月修改时间) 2022年4月8日-Revision Submitted to Journal(我这里实在太拖延了,建议正常两个月左右修完) 2022年4月9日-With Editor 2022年4月11日-Under review 2022年6月5日-Required Reviews Completed. The target number of required r...
240120 Decision in Process 240125 With editor. 240311 Send email 240324 Major revision 240412 Revision Submitted to journal 240417 Under review- w 240422 Under review 240501 Decision in Process 240505 Minor revision 240508 Revision Submitted to journal ...
2.投稿经验及录用流程:历时5个半月,贴出详细的投稿时间线供大家参考!希望大家都能顺顺利利!231214 Submitted to journal 240103 With editor.240104 Under review+2 240105 Under review+3 240117 Required Reviews Complete (2)240120 Decision in Process 240125 With editor 240311 Send email 240324 Major ...
你好!renewable energy decision in process 可再生能源决策的过程
4. 期刊特色 1. Short processing time from submission to first decision (regular <3 weeks, fast track <1 week). 2. Improve the quality of figure and charts by artists of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. 3. Promote your paper worldwide. 5. Video Highlights | 视频解读 00:00 / 00...
in power systems planning and operations considering renewable energy penetrations. However, there is still a gap between the theoretical research in academia and the challenges faced by engineers in power industry. The majority of current machine learning algorithms are originally designed for the tasks...