In the face of a scenario marked by environmental degradation caused by the disorderly use of natural resources, wind energy emerges as a way to pursue development while simultaneously preserving natural resources, without compromising the well-being of current and ...
ESTADO, DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTVEL E GOVERNANA NO BRASIL: POLTICAS PBLICAS PARA ENERGIA E GUA PS RIO-92doi:10.5007/2175-7976.2020.e63220In order to understand how the concept of sustainable development was incorporated into public policies for the management of natural res...
OBJETIVOS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTVEL (ODS): UM ESTUDO DE CASO DA RAZEN S/A E ENGIE BRASIL ENERGIAdoi:10.22277/rgo.v16i3.7264UNITED NationsCONSUMER behaviorCUSTOMER satisfactionSUSTAINABLE development reportingJOB satisfactionGREEN marketingObjective: to identify and analyze the orga...