Five thousand gallons of water rushed in on the actors. Among them was George C. Scott, who had to leave his oxygen bottle whenever he worked. A strong union guy, he refused to cross a picket line during the show. The production backed down. Another shot of the real mine. We prettied...
Star Trek: Picard Showrunner Terry Matalas Scripting Enemy Mine RemakeDennis Quaid’s Enemy Mine is now considered a cult classic | 20th Century FoxFor those who are into the world of Star Trek, especially with the Picard show centering on Patrick Stewart, the first two seasons did not ...
I recommended then, still do now if you’ve not seen it yet, see it for free if you can via streaming somehow/someway. If IMO he wants to peddleFASCICRATS-ism in real life, deprive him of his expected revenues of this Film. I will give credit where credit is due in so far as ...
“I want to take back what’s mine and destroy the rest,” he said very casually, as though mentioning his errands for the day. Her blood went cold as she began to see where Midas was dragging her. Here was the cliff, and its churning sea was in Leander’s eyes, mercilessly crashing...
cg_specHelp ETMain Client Toggle displaying spectator help (but actually does nothing to mine?) cg_specSwing ETMain Client “change: removed cg_specSwing (did _nothing_)" (ETPro changelog) cg_stats ETMain Client Shows the frame number in console (cg.clientframe) cg_stereoSeparation ETMain Clie...