Pizza Tower but There are More Custom Bosses! 来自披萨塔的洞穴 8.4万 376 03:59 Perman:Pizza Tower,But All Bosses Are Fat… 来自披萨塔的洞穴 14.2万 202 03:36 Perman: Pizza Tower, but Pepperman is the PLAYER 来自披萨塔的洞穴 11.8万 76 03:37 Pizza Tower, But All The Bosses...
Pizza Tower, but are All Enemies and Bosses Away? 9721播放 [Pizza Tower:Round 2]橙金苹果来扫墓了 490播放 『pizza tower/lhh』冰箱关地狱模式lap3通关“冰箱里什么时候有个冻披萨?” 133播放 [Pizza Tower]CYOP地图TCToP V2预告片所用曲Bye Bye There Remix 8127播放 Pizza Tower UST - Lap 5 - Inst...
Also, not all enemies use all variables; experimentation is key! (And for fun, try replacing the images withburgerfor big funny (this also works for any asset in your tower assets folder as mentioned above)) Comments Order: No comments yet!
Pizza Tower but There are More Custom Bosses! 来自披萨塔的洞穴 8.4万 376 03:59 Perman:Pizza Tower,But All Bosses Are Fat… 来自披萨塔的洞穴 14.2万 202 03:36 Perman: Pizza Tower, but Pepperman is the PLAYER 来自披萨塔的洞穴 11.8万 76 03:37 Pizza Tower, But All The Bosses...