- the Sustainability report, that constitutes the consolidated non-financial statement related to the financial year 2021, together with the relevant certification of the External Auditor pursuant to article 3, paragraph 10, of Legislative Decree December 30th, 2016, No. 254; - the report on corpor...
跨国能源公司Enel已开始在北美建设其第二个太阳能+储能混合动力项目。 284MW的Azure太阳能+储能混合项目由Enel Green Power在美国德克萨斯州开发。284MW的光伏设施将与81MW的电池配对使用,以便于2021年夏季开始运行。 Enel在北美的第一个太阳能+储能项目Lily项目已于7月宣布。 该项目是公司7月份宣布在美国投资可再生...
Interim financial report at September 30th, 2025. Don't miss a thing Sign up to receive Enel's investors press release alerts. Subscribe to alert Enel Investor App Download the new Enel Investor App to have the financial information of the group always available....
While in 2021, according to a report published by the independent climate think tank Ember, renewables generated 38 percent of the world's electricity. Renewables are destined to become the most advantageous source of electricity for the planet and for economic development. Because renewable energy,...
Capital Markets Day - Enel presents the 2019-2021 Strategic PlanFor the dissemination to the public and the storage of regulated information made available to the public, Enel S.p.A. has decided to use respectively the platforms “eMarket SDIR” and “eMarket Storage”, both available at the...
and businesses, enabling them to make more efficient and informed energy choices. Enel X's main services include energy consumption management, electric mobility services, and demand response programs to support energy efficiency and sustainability. It was founded in 2017 and is based in Melbourne, ...
Enel X’s lighting installations for the Italy Pavilion exemplify energy efficiency, technological innovation and sustainability. Discover more!
7. Messagie, M., Life Cycle Analysis of the Climate Impact of Electric Vehicles, Transport & Environment,https://www.transportenvironment.org/sites/te/files/publications/TE%20-%20draft%20report%20v04.pdf, draft 2021. 8. Collins, Leigh,Enel CEO: 'Clean electricity will power 99% of Europe...
s and the NALC recognized early on that collaboration across the supply chain is the only way toeffectively address electricityemissions for all logistics suppliers,” said Danny Fahey, NALC Sustainability Lead and Vice President of U.S. Strategy at Martin Brower. “This aggre...