We continuously scout for new opportunities through our hubs and launch Innovability® driven open challenges to connect Enel with the global Innovability® ecosystem. +800 Collaborations Of which +590 are with startups. We co-create with startups, SMEs and large companies through our intern...
The Enel Group operates in more than 30 countries, bringing energy to people through the adoption of new sustainability-oriented technologies.
We have a world of renewable energy to showcase: find out all the stories and faces of Enel Green Power throughout the 5 continents. Show filters Filter Clear all {{dropdown.label}} {{activeFilters[dropdown.slug] ? activeFilters[dropdown.slug].length : "0"}} ...
Explore cutting-edge energy solutions for your path to net zero to unlock net zero potential, create a competitive edge, and maximize value.
意大利电力公司(Enel)近日宣布,修建了世界上第一座利用熔盐来储存能量的聚光型..·节能减排博览会现新玩意 日光灯直径不足2毫米 …www.emca.cn|基于61个网页 例句 释义: 全部,意大利国家电力公司,意大利电力,意大利电力公司 更多例句筛选 1. Italian bankers and politicians came out so strongly in support of ...
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