如果我们借用一下耶稣那个比喻中的人物,那么保罗在罗马书第一章所说的就是那个税吏,而现在他要谈的则是法利赛人(路18:10-14)。 ii. 在保罗那个年代,犹太人中间有许多人是道德主义的楷模,但他在罗马书2:1-16所说的,似乎适用的对象更为广泛。比如说,当时的罗马政治家塞涅卡,他是一位道德老师,是尼禄的师傅。
He often simply made mention of a church or a person in prayer (Romans 1:9, Ephesians 1:16, Philemon 1:4). i. “And not Paul alone. The plural implies that all three missionaries prayed together.” (Moffatt) 3. (3-4) Why Paul gave thanks to God for the Thessalonian Christians....
iv. “The Epistle to the Ephesians is a complete Body of Divinity. In the first chapter you have the doctrines of the gospel; in the next, you have the experience of the Christians; and before the Epistle is finished, you have the precepts of the Christian faith. Whosoever would see Ch...
be used of the deity one worships. The really significant background, though, is its use in the Greek translation of the Old Testament to render the divine name, Yahweh… Christians who used this as their Bible would be familiar with the term as equivalent to deity.” (Morris, inRomans)...
诚实先生最后的一句话是:‘一切都在恩典之中。’说完他就离了尘世。” (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
ii. 保罗回答罗马书6:15提出来的问题时,清楚阐明:作为信徒,我们的主人发生了改变。就算偶然性的犯罪,基督徒也必须与之争战,因为我们当为新主人作工,也当在他之下作工。我们若为以前的主人效劳,是不得当的。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com...
We need to trust in God’s goodness and in His ability to make all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). b. They did not find them…. they were not there…. they did not find them: This frustrated Saul. Yet God worked out His plan through the lost donkeys in a way Saul...
i. 我们不但在基督里(罗8:1),而且他也在你们心里;因为上帝不能住在有罪的家里,所以当耶稣进来的时候,身体(旧人)只好死去。 B.我们的义务:顺着圣灵而活。 1.(12-13)我们欠圣灵的债,不欠肉体的债。 弟兄们,这样看来,我们并不是欠肉体的债,去顺从肉体活着。你们若顺从肉体活着,必要死;若靠着圣灵治死身...
1. (1-5) A prophecy to the mountains of Israel. “And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because the enemy has said of you, ‘Aha! The ancient heights have become our ...