i. 我们不但在基督里(罗8:1),而且他也在你们心里;因为上帝不能住在有罪的家里,所以当耶稣进来的时候,身体(旧人)只好死去。 B.我们的义务:顺着圣灵而活。 1.(12-13)我们欠圣灵的债,不欠肉体的债。 弟兄们,这样看来,我们并不是欠肉体的债,去顺从肉体活着。你们若顺从肉体活着,必要死;若靠着圣灵治死身...
b.互相联络作肢体:我们忽视哪一方面都是不对的;决不能以牺牲个别性为代价来推崇统一性,也决不能以个别性降低教会在基督里的根本性统一;他是我们共同的根基,我们在基督里成为一身。 3.(6-8)劝勉人使用(如何使用)好上帝赐给教会各个肢体的恩赐。 按我们所得的恩赐,各有不同:或说预言,就当照着信心的程度说...
ii. This shows how great our need is to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). 3. (17) The folly of worldliness. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. a. ...
and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us,”Romans 5:3-5.
1. The character and themes of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. a. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is different compared to many of the other New Testament letters he wrote. Like Romans, Ephesians was not written so much to address problems in a particular church; more so, it was writt...
1.(1)保罗向罗马基督徒作自我介绍。 耶稣基督的仆人保罗,奉召为使徒,特派传上帝的福音。 a.保罗:加拉太书1-2章,哥林多后书11-12章,以及使徒行传8-28章,都对使徒保罗(又名大数的扫罗)的生平和事奉作了详细的叙述。 i.使徒行传20:2-3记载,保罗在第三次宣教旅程中在哥林多城过冬,他便是在那里写下了...
诚实先生最后的一句话是:‘一切都在恩典之中。’说完他就离了尘世。” (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
This was not only an amazing demonstration of God’s love and power, but also a picture of baptism – by “passing through water,” all of Israel was identified with Moses, even as by “passing through water,” a Christian is identified with Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-4). iii. All ...
e. Love… does not seek its own: Paul communicates the same idea in Romans 12:10: in honor giving preference to one another. Also, Philippians 2:4 carries the same thought: Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. This is being...
1.(1-3)控诉有道德修养的人 你这论断人的,无论你是谁,也无可推诿。你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪。因你这论断人的,自己所行却和别人一样。我们知道这样行的人,上帝必照真理审判他。你这人哪,你论断行这样事的人,自己所行的却和别人一样,你以为能逃脱上帝的审判吗?