Matthew 6:1-15 – Life in His Kingdom: How to Give and Pray Matthew 6:16-34 – Life in His Kingdom: How to Fast and How to Regard Material Things Matthew 7 – Life in His Kingdom: Treating Others, Prayer, and Decision Matthew 8 – The Healing Power of Jesus Matthew 9 – The ...
ii. Jesus criticized the religious leaders of His day because they could not discern the signs of the times (Matthew 16:1-3). We should also study the Scriptures, and look to the world around us, so we can be aware of the times and the seasons. iii. Hiebert on times and seasons:...
iii. “因为基督的荣耀比他抑制或隐藏他的荣耀要小。隐藏他的荣耀,这是他永远的荣耀。他本来富足,却为我们成了贫穷。” (司布真,Spurgeon) iv.这是耶稣在马太福音16章28节的应许的实现。我们应该记住,章和节的划分当然不存在于使徒们的原始著作中,而是直到16世纪才出现的。 d.脸面明亮如日头,衣裳洁白如光:是...
A.有活泼的信心的表现之一:能控制我们所说的。 1.(1-2)开场白:教师的重大责任以及不做绊脚石的困难。 我的弟兄们,不要多人作师傅,因为晓得我们要受更重的判断。原来我们在许多事上都有过失;若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。 a.我的弟兄们,不要多人作师傅:雅各对那些将在教会...
i. Jesus made a similar comparison more than once (Matthew 10:15, 11:23-24). ii. “Any woman who puts these women in a good light should be ashamed of herself.” (Block) c. You who judged your sisters, bear your own shame also: Jerusalem and Judah proudly thought themselves better...
b. Jesus quoted Genesis as if it were a purely historical record (Matthew 19:4-6 and 23:35). c. C.S. Lewis wrote that when he heard a Biblical scholar claim the Genesis creation account was a myth, he didn’t want to know about the man’s credentials as a Biblical scholar. He ...
我们从马太·亨利(Matthew Henry)在被抢劫后说了下面这句话时所表现出的那颗心是同样的:主,我感谢你; 我以前从没被抢过。 即使他们抢了我的钱,他们没有取我的命。 即使他们拿了我的所有,也并不多。是我被抢,而不是我抢。b. 这都是外邦人所求的: 耶稣把那些不认识神、与神隔绝的人的生命与那些认识神...
ii. 马太·普尔(Matthew Poole)描述了我们获得百倍的一些方式:· 圣灵里的喜乐,良心的平安,神的爱。· 知足。他们应该有一颗知足的心。· 上帝会感动他人的心来满足他们的需要,这样的供应,他们必觉得比先前的丰富更甘甜。· 神有时会在今生偿还他们,就像他在试炼之后恢复约伯,使他获得更大的财富。
马太·普尔(Matthew Poole)承认在家谱在调和马太和路加的记录时存在一些问题,而他也正确地观察到:· 犹太人有大量的家谱记录,所以相信这样的记录不是不明智的。· 我们应该记住保罗关于争执家谱的警告,不要引起争论(提前1:4,6:4;多3:9)。· 如果反对耶稣的犹太人能够证明他不是大卫的后裔,他们就会取消他作为...
b.Do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath: James again echoed the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:34-37). The need to swear or make oaths, beyond a simple and clearyesornobetrays the weakness of one’s word. It demonstrates that...