(Genesis 47:25) Because God moved through the wisdom and bold action of Joseph, the Pharaoh of Egypt had lots of grain through seven years of terrible famine. In first few years, […] Read more Visions of the NightJanuary 19, 2025/0 Comments/in Weekly Devotional/by David Guzik So ...
ii.马丁·路德写道:“我恳请并忠诚地告诫每一个虔诚的基督徒不要因语言和故事的简单而犯错(详见《创世记》)。不应怀疑,这些看似简单的话语、作为、判断和行为代表着神至高无上的威严、能力和智慧。” 5.根据《新约》,摩西写了《创世记》(路加福音第24章第27节和第24章第44节)。我们可以推测,他是借助神过去...
a.便雅悯是个撕掠的狼:这是一个以凶猛著称的部落。 b.早晨要吃他所抓的,晚上要分他所夺的:要了解这一点,可以看看以笏(士师记第3章第15-23节)、扫罗(撒母耳记第9章第1节、第14章第47-52节)和保罗(使徒行传8:1-3)。在士师记第19章和第20章中,可以了解到这个部落的残忍。 13.(28)雅各结束了...
Finally, a free Bible Commentary that is easy to use and organized chapter by chapter. Each chapter is also outlined verse by verse through the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, it is easy to understand and has become a daily guide to the Scriptures by Pastors, Bible Teache...
A.约瑟在监狱里遇到了酒政和膳长。 1.(1-4)埃及的酒政和膳长被下在监里。 这事以后,埃及王的酒政和膳长得罪了他们的主埃及王,法老就恼怒酒政和膳长这二臣,把他们下在护卫长府内的监里,就是约瑟被囚的地方。护卫长把他们交给约瑟,约瑟便伺候他们。他们有些日子在监里。
These were sins at the root of the depravity described in Genesis 19, and in addition to that depravity. · She and her daughter had pride: Genesis 13:10 says that the land of Sodom was like the garden of the LORD. It was the kind of city that citizens take great pride in. · ...
1.(1-4)雅各打发他的儿子们去埃及买粮食。 雅各见埃及有粮,就对儿子们说,“你们为什么彼此观望呢?我听见埃及有粮,你们可以下去,从那里为我们籴些来,使我们可以存活,不至于死。”于是,约瑟的十个哥哥都下埃及籴粮去了。但约瑟的兄弟便雅悯,雅各没有打发他和哥哥们同去,因为雅各说,恐怕他遭害。
Genesis 1:1 –In the Beginning Genesis 1:1-2 –Before the Beginning, At the Beginning Genesis 1:3-23 –The First Five Days of Creation Genesis 1:24-31 –The Sixth Day of Creation – The Creation of Man A. Thoughts to begin with as we study the Bible. 1. We come to the Bible ...
过了两年,法老作梦,梦见自己站在河边。 a.河边:约瑟被法老的酒政遗忘在监里整整两年。那些年约瑟遇到了困难和挫折,但我们仍然认为他是信靠神的。从中我们可以学到很多功课。 ·有时我们所做的善事似乎得不到回报。 ·等待是基督徒生活中一个常见的主题。
i.以西结书第28章第13-19节告诉我们撒旦曾在伊甸。其他许多章节将蛇或蛇样的生物与撒旦联系在一起(如约伯记第26章第13节和以赛亚书第51章第9节)。启示录第12章第9节和第20章第2节说到龙,就是古蛇,又叫魔鬼,又叫撒旦。 ii.撒旦被描绘成一条蛇,这使得摩西通过举起一条铜蛇来拯救以色列的想法更具挑衅性...