David Guzik commentary on 2 Chronicles 7, where the temple is dedicated by God with fire from heaven, and by man with multiple sacrifices.
Lounge by the pool, be spoiled at the spa, taste the delicacies or explore the venues on-board, until we arrive at the next amazing destination. October 8th Welcome to our first port-of-call and our first Enduring Word Private Tour in Haifa, Israel. Here we will journey together to ...
ii.他们等到五旬节到了,但他们之前并不知道需要等多久。他们很容易认为耶稣升天后的同一个下午圣灵会来;或3天或7天后。但他们不得不等待整整10天,直到五旬节到了。 iii.唯一可能的圣经先例是耶利米书42:7:过了十天耶和华的话临到耶利米。但是谁会想到这一点呢?神利用这段时间来破碎他们,又把他们重新建立起来。
“福音没有在那里生根的原因可能更多地与雅典人自己的态度有关,而不是保罗讲道的方式或他说的话。”(朗格里克) (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
David Guzik commentary on 2 Corinthians 7, where Paul describes how he was comforted by the Corinthian Christians’ repentance.
Acts 20:1-5 describes Paul’s eventual return to Thessalonica and to other churches in the area. v. “Supposing that we have ascertained that hindrances in our way really come from Satan, WHAT THEN? I have but one piece of advice, and that is, go on, hindrance or no hindrance, in ...
v. 我们也应该看到哥尼流无疑是个好人; 但他需要耶稣。即使是尊重神的善良的人,仍然需要来到耶稣面前,认祂为他们的主宰和救主,并且完全相信耶稣的身份以及祂为他们所做的。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com...
a. 保罗和他的同人从帕弗开船:宣教团队现在被描述为“保罗和他的同人。”之前 – 就在使徒行传13:7 – 这个团队被描述为巴拿巴和扫罗。从这时开始,保罗的领导力和突出地位将会显而易见。 b. 来到……别加:他们离开居比路岛,来到今天土耳其大陆的别加。
But long hair in itself can be no sin; after all, Paul apparently had long hair for a time in Corinth as a part of a vow (Acts 18:18). But, the vow would not have meant anything if long hair was the norm; that’s what Paul is getting at. iii. While it is true that it ...
When the test has been made (according to the standard of God’s Word and the discernment of spirit among the leaders), we then hold fast to what is good. i. Between the time Paul last saw the Thessalonians and the writing of this letter, he had spent time in Berea (Acts 17:10-...