iii尽管如此,仍有一些释经家禁不住要进行一番推测:“很可能,使徒指的是关于神的本性和神圣经纶的某些对话交流,他只是在讲道和写作中一般应用这些内容。毫无疑问,他在这个时候学到的东西构成了他所有教导的基础。”(克拉克,Clarke) i.为这人,我要夸口;但是为我自己,除了我的软弱以外,我并不夸口:基本上,保罗的...
这意味着《启示录》12章1节中的“妇人”不可能是教会,因为耶稣“生”了教会,而不是相反。因此,这“妇人”必定是马利亚,或者是以色列,惟有这两个“妇人”才能“生下”耶稣。通过《启示录》12章余下的经文,可以看出这个妇人是以色列人,而不是马利亚。 2.(6)妇人在旷野。 妇人就逃到旷野,在那里有神给她预备的...
The Enduring Word Bible Commentary from David Guzik is a trusted study resource for anyone wanting to study and understand God's Word.
Click here to read David Guzik’s written commentary on the Gospel of Luke Apple Podcasts: David Guzik teaches through the Gospel of Luke Video and Audio Teaching Through the Gospel of Luke Luke 1:1-26 – Witness of an Angel Luke 1:26-80 – Witness of Mary ...
Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teach…
David’s Bible resources – both in text and through audio and video – are used by many thousands of people every day. Many pastors, Bible teachers, and everyday Christians find these materials helpful. Now you can take the Enduring Word Commentary with you on your mobile device. more Wha...
i.羞辱是一种重大苦难。但以理书12:2说羞辱将会成为地狱恐怖的一个方面:“睡在尘埃中的必有多人复醒,其中有得永生的,有受羞辱、永远被憎恶的”(但12:2)。耶稣忍受了这种地狱般的羞辱,好成就我们的救赎。 ·耶稣忍受了羞辱的控告:亵渎神。 ·耶稣忍受了羞辱的戏弄。
2. (9-12)耶稣应用比喻。 这样,葡萄园的主人要怎样办呢?他要来除灭那些园户,将葡萄园转给别人。经上写着说 匠人所弃的石头,已作了房角的头块石头。这是主所作的,在我们眼中看为希奇。 这经你们没有念过吗? 他们看出这比喻是指着他们说的,就想要捉拿他,只是惧怕百姓。于是离开他走了。
Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) Short Devotionals from Matthew Tweet Pin2 Share 2Shares Bible Commentary Quick Navigation Start Here! Subscribe *indicates required Email Address* First Name Last Name Enduring Word Newsletter Enduring Word Info ...
John writes that this was true in his day; we could say it is even truer in our own. i. “The word ‘antichrist’ occurs in the Bible only in the letters of John and that only five times in four verses (1 John 2:18, 22, 4:3; 2 John 1:7); but though the word is ...