”“the quintessence of Paulinism,”“the divinest composition of man” and even “the Waterloo of commentators.” Some say that Ephesians reads “like a commentary on the Pauline letters” and probably it has been best termed “the crown...
“你们,是最圣洁的以弗所教会的成员,这教会声名在外,闻名于世……你们,被圣灵充满,没有随从肉体行事,而是凡事顺从圣灵行事。你们在基督耶稣里成为完全。”(《伊格那修写给以弗所信徒的书信》【Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians】,第8章。摘自《安特尼西亚教父》【Ante Nicean Fathers】第1卷,第52页) ii....
i. “The powerful working of God is usually expressed by this word, Ephesians 1:19; Philippians 2:13; and the working of Satan also, Ephesians 2:2. Men possessed with the devil are called energumeni. And where the word is believed and received as the word of God, there it has this...
也要凭爱心行事,正如基督爱我们,为我们舍了自己,当作馨香的供物和祭物献与神。 a.所以:在此,保罗总结了以弗所书第4章的思想,他阐述了基督徒应怎样彼此相待。 b.你们该效法神:这里的意思简单明了——我们要以神为我们的榜样和模范。我们不能拿自己与人比较,然后感到自满。我们要留心彼得前书1章15-16节中...
c.The god of this age: The titlegod of this ageis not used of Satan anywhere else in Scripture, but the thought is expressed in passages likeJohn 12:31,John 14:30,Ephesians 2:2,Ephesians 6:12and1 John 5:19. i. There is a significant and real sense in which Satan “rules” this...
i. When one compares this description of spiritual armor with that found in Ephesians 6, there is not an exact correlation. This indicates that Paul saw the idea of spiritual armor as a helpful picture, not something rigid in its particular details. ii. Faith and love are represented by the...
a.他叫你们活过来:“他……叫……活过来”,这句话在英文圣经中是斜体,表示这些字是补充进文本中的,却是原文上下文中暗含的意思。保罗写信给信徒,他们因神的工作而活过来。 i.在上一章结束时,保罗认为神大能的终极展现,就是耶稣的复活。现在,保罗思想耶稣的复活大能对我们生命的影响。
a.与保罗所写的其余大部分新约书信相比,以弗所书显得与众不同。就像罗马书一样,以弗所书不是为了特意强调个别教会所存在的问题而写;其写作目的更多在于,阐述基督教的某些宏大深远的主题和教义。 i.以弗所书高屋建瓴,主题崇高,令众多释经家赞不绝口,爱不释手。以弗所书被冠以许多美名,诸如“使徒书信中的王...
In that covenant men and women are made new, with a new nature patterned after the nature of Jesus Himself (Ephesians 4:21-24). i. “In the ancient world the heart was the center for volition and the intellectual catalyst for feeling and action. A ‘heart of stone’ implied ...
God has established an order of authority, the principle of male headship, both in the church (1 Corinthians 11 and 1 Timothy 2) and the home (Ephesians 5:23). b. He is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man...