ii. “When you read Scripture, you find occasions when God judged arrogant rulers, such as Pharaoh, whom the Egyptians treated as a god (Exodus 5:2), Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4), and Herod Agrippa (Acts 12). World leaders who ignore the Lord and act as if they are gods will all be ...
Death may be to us as the angel who touched Peter in Acts 12, causing his chains to fall off, and leading him through a gate that opens by itself, into real freedom. c. All are yours: This is Christian liberty. And you are Christ’s: This is Christian responsibility....
b. 巴拿巴和扫罗……从耶路撒冷回来:从救济工作(使徒行传11:30)回到耶路撒冷,巴拿巴和扫罗将约翰马可带回安提阿的教会。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
iv.用不明的方言祷告的能力并不是圣灵充满的主要或唯一真实的证据。这种强调导致许多人寻求说方言的恩赐(并伪造它)仅仅是为了向自己和他人证明他们真的是被圣灵充满。 g.按着圣灵所赐的口才说起别国的话来:在使徒行传第2章中的这种说方言是否与哥林多前书12和14章中描述的说方言的恩赐相同呢? i.有人说这...
Impresario Harry von Tilzer heard him and he became a $5-per-week song plugger, working from the balcony of Tony Pastor’s Music Hall in Union Square and providing musical “coverage” for such acts as “The Three Keatons,” a knockabout group composed of two adults and their sad-faced ...
i. “Observe how the Psalmist brands his own initials upon every name which he rejoicingly gives to his God –myexpectation,myrock,mysalvation,myglory,mystrength,myrefuge; he is not content to know that the Lord is all these things; he acts in faith towards him, and lays claim to him...
In fact, when Paul first encountered Jesus, the Lord struck him with a literal blindness that was healed, and his eyes – both spiritually and physically – were opened to see the glory of Jesus Christ (Acts 9:1-19). i. The light mentioned here isn’t the normal ancient Greek word ...
彼得讲道的对象,这些犹太人也是如此。他们对弥赛亚有特定的期待,但神想要给他们的更伟大。他们寻找的是一个政治和军事上的弥赛亚,而不是把每个人从罪孽中救赎出来的那一位。这表明了我们从神那里期待正确的事物是多么重要。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com...
4.(9-12)保罗上告于该撒。 但非斯都要讨犹太人的喜欢,就问保罗说:你愿意上耶路撒冷去,在那里听我审断这事吗﹖保罗说:我站在该撒的堂前,这就是我应当受审的地方。我向犹太人并没有行过什么不义的事,这也是你明明知道的。我若行了不义的事,犯了什么该死的罪,就是死,我也不辞。他们所告我的事若都不实...
When the test has been made (according to the standard of God’s Word and the discernment of spirit among the leaders), we then hold fast to what is good. i. Between the time Paul last saw the Thessalonians and the writing of this letter, he had spent time in Berea (Acts 17:10-...