If you find the text, audio, or video commentary helpful, I hope you catch some of my love, some of my passion for the greatness and glory of God and how Jesus reveals Himself and His plan through His enduring word. More Than 11,000 Pages Of Bible Commentary ...
百姓因他们的败坏行为不愿在会幕里献祭敬拜神(撒母耳记上第2章第17节),此外,他们还引诱前来敬拜的妇女苟合行淫。 c.人若得罪人,有士师审判他;人若得罪耶和华,谁能为他祈求呢:幸运的是,《约翰福音》2章1节解答了以利的问题:若有人犯罪,在父那里我们有一位中保,就是那义者耶稣基督。感谢神,当我们得罪耶和...
b.The word of Samuel came to all Israel…. Now Israel went out to battle: This doesn’t mean the battle was initiated by Samuel. Some manuscript traditions (evident in the Septuagint) make it clear the Philistines started this conflict. Nevertheless, the battle ended in disaster:Israel was ...
As for me, I became an activist in the 1960s, while the war in Vietnam raged—going to teach-ins with my students and attending anti-war demonstrations. In a word, everything that McCarthy would have abjured. In Memoriam Bruno Modica passed away on Tuesday, December, 11, 2012, in Sun...
2.(2-4)大卫赞美拯救他的神。 说:“耶和华是我的岩石,我的山寨,我的救主,我的神,我的磐石,我所投靠的。他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高台,是我的避难所。我的救主啊,你是救我脱离强暴的。我要求告当赞美的耶和华,这样,我必从仇敌手中被救出来。
Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!”(2 Samuel 12:7) King David lived for about a year in a tangled web of denial and gradually growing coldness and hardness toward God. He sinned in both adultery and murder and then covered both crimes with the image of a rescuer of poor...
2.(11-13)大卫获准选择当受的惩罚。 大卫早晨起来,耶和华的话临到先知迦得,就是大卫的先见,说:“你去告诉大卫说:‘耶和华如此说:我有三样灾,随你选择一样,我好降与你。’”于是迦得来见大卫,对他说:“你愿意国中有七年的饥荒呢?是在你敌人面前逃跑,被追赶三个月呢?是在你国中有三日的瘟疫呢?现在你...
Remember 1 Samuel 15:23: For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. 5. (11-12) Headship in light of the interdependence of men and women. Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord. For as woman came from man, even so man also ...
2.(11-14)大卫向众支派派去。 大卫王差人去见祭司撒督和亚比亚他说:“你们当向犹大长老说:‘以色列众人已经有话请王回宫。你们为什么落在他们后头呢?你们是我的弟兄,是我的骨肉,为什么在人后头请王回来呢?’也要对亚玛撒说:‘你不是我的骨肉吗?我若不立你替约押常作元帅,愿神重重地降罚与我。’”如此...