version:"3.8"services:web:image:nginx:latestdeploy:replicas:5endpoint_mode:dnsrr_tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在这个示例中,我们定义了一个名为 “web” 的服务,使用了最新的 nginx 镜像,并配置了 5 个副本。我们还通过endpoint_mode: dnsrr_tasks指定了服务的访问方式为dnsrr_tasks。 接下来,我...
endpoint_mode是Docker Swarm用于定义容器通信的一种配置。它决定了容器中的应用程序如何通过网络进行通信。在Docker Swarm中,有两种常用的endpoint_mode配置,分别是vip和dnsrr。 vip(Virtual IP)模式:在这种模式下,Docker Swarm为每个服务分配一个虚拟的IP地址。这个IP地址可以在整个Swarm集群中的容器之间进行通信。 dns...
# Docker 集群服务一个对外的虚拟 ip。所有的请求都会通过这个虚拟 ip 到达集群服务内部的机器。
有的是直接通过服务的名称就可以访问的,改造模式,改造代码,然后上传到镜像仓库。最后配置一个docker st...
replicas:1endpoint_mode: dnsrr placement: constraints:- node.labels.env==test1 ports:- target:8080published:8764protocol: tcp mode: host #-"8764:8080" ipports:-"8764:8080" 会报 port published with ingress mode can't be used with dnsrr mode ...
So, I request that you enhance HEALTHCHECK to allow additional exit status values of 3-102 (100 additional values). And, to be able to specify--endpoint-mode=dnsleastwhen creating a replicated service. The internal DNS would then use the HEALTHCHECK status value returned for each of the ta...
2.1.1. Endpoint Mode 2.1.2. Root Port Mode 2.2. Device Family Support 2.3. Recommended Speed Grades 2.4. Resource Utilization 2.5. Release Information 3. Functional Description 4. Interface Overview 5. Parameters (H-Tile) 6. Parameters (P-Tile and F-Tile) ...
Jetson Linux contains the following software support for PCIe endpoint mode: A Linux kernel device driver for the PCIe endpoint controller. This driver configures the PCIe controller as an endpoint, and provides an interface for higher-level software to select the configuration that is exposed to th...
Hi, I am sharing the information that should be documented in the RM but was not and it was very annoying to get thru the issues to use i.MX6 in
The ethernet interface over PCIe(endpoint mode) not work Jetson AGX Xavier Hi @WayneWWW I borrowed a AGX Orin dev kit and replaced the AGX Xavier RC side with it. Then I have a comparison test, you can refer the test set-2 in the test cases below. Summary: The ethernet c...