supplementary主要在英式英语中使用,而在美式英语中,则更常用supplemental。 住房公积金:housing provident fund provident/ˈprɒv.ɪ.dənt/的意思是“未雨绸缪的,有远虑的”,尤其指通过存钱来未雨绸缪。 fund/fʌnd/指的是“基金;专款;资金”,是个...
1、capitalendowment[经] 捐赠资金 2、endowmentannuity [经] 养老年金 3、endowmentfund [经] 留本基金, 捐赠基金 4、endowmentinsurance 养老保险 [经] 养老保险 5、endowmentlife insurance [经] 人寿定期保险 6、endowmentmortgage 养老保险抵押 7、endowmentpolicy [医] 养老保险单 [经] 养老保险单 ...
Other data indicate that the endowment fund of Harvard University was all over British universities received contributions combined. 还有数据表明,哈佛大学获得的捐赠资金超过英国全部大学所获捐款的总和。 3. By law in the US, as a charity you have to spend 5% of your endowment [annu...
Investment Policy:Usually, the recipient organization or beneficiary in an endowment fund has the flexibility to invest the principal amount. However, the donor decides the type of investment policy (aggressive, passive, or otherwise) for the fund. Withdrawal Policy:In this section, the withdrawal g...
沪江词库精选endowment assurance是什么意思、英语单词推荐 养老保险,人寿定期保险 相似短语 endowment assurance 养老保险,人寿定期保险 with assurance 有把握地, 自信地 endowment insurance n. 养老保险 capital endowment 捐增资金,捐增资金 endowment policy 养老保险单 endowment fund 留本基金,捐赠基金,...
endowment fund 留本基金,捐赠基金,捐赠基金 相似单词 endowment n. 1.[C]捐助 2.[U]天赋,才能 policy n. 1.方针;政策 2.计谋;办法 3.[policies]【苏格兰】(乡村住宅周围的)宅园 4.【废】政治,政体 a. 方针的;政策的 policy holder n. 投保人 policy making adj. 政策制定的 tough policy 【...
Endowment Fund Team 1 Team Member Endowment Fund has 1 team member, including current Founder, Dmitry Axelrod. Name Work History Title Status Dmitry Axelrod Mission Space, and Moscow State University Founder Current Learn more by requesting a demo ...
1. endowment fund:捐赠基金 2. endowment insurance:养老保险 3. endowment stock:捐赠股票 4. endowment fund management:捐赠基金管理 5. endowment income:捐赠收入 6. endowment policy:捐赠保险单 7. endowment dividend:捐赠红利 8. endowment asset:捐赠资产 9. endowment fund investment:捐赠基金投资 10. ...
在这些条目还发现'endowment': 在英文解释里: chantry 在单词列表中: List of new words that i don't know, 更多…… 同义词: gift, donation, grant, award, contribution, 更多…… 习惯性搭配: an endowment [account, fund, policy, insurance policy], his [height, intelligence] is his natural ...
权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 endowment n. 1. [c][u] 捐款;捐赠;资助money that is given to a school, a college or another institution to provide it with an income; the act of giving this money 2. [c][usupl] 天赋;天资;才能a quality or an ability that you are born with...