Focuses on the application of endorsement test on the sect-specific legislative accommodations in the U.S. Mandate of the Free Exercise Clause; Benefits and drawbacks of permitting sect-specific legislative accommodation; Outlines and criticisms on the endorsement test....
However, due to the breadth of topics investigated, the diversity of approaches/methods employed, and the range of data examined, the extent to which research in this domain provides a coherent body of work is unclear. Accordingly, this paper performed a review of psychological articles publ...
Nagayoshi, K. (2011). Support of multiculturalism, but for whom? Effects of ethno-national identity on the endorsement of multiculturalism in Japan. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 37 (4), 561–578.K. Nagayoshi,`Support of multiculturalism, but for whom? Effects of ethno-national ...
BASICS OF THE ENDORSEMENT BILL OF EXCHANGEprawo majątkoweposłaniecmissuswysłanniknuntiuswekselklauzulaKaliński, MaciejStudia Iuridica