clear indication of whether patients with endometrial cancer are better treated with pelvic lymphadenectomy or postoperative irradiation and whether Provera is useful adjuvant therapy in those who are shown to have high-risk Stage 1 disease (deep myometrium invasion and/or a poorly differentiated lesion...
A treatment plan is based on the stage and type of endometrial cancer, as well as age, overall health, and if the patient wants to bear children.9 Surgery Often, surgery is the main treatment for endometrial cancer.10 When detected early, surgery often cures the cancer.1 Surgery usually ...
EDITORIAL COMMENT: We accepted this paper for publication because the results of treatment of a group of women with Stage I endometrial cancer may interest readers. Although the overall 5-year survival rate in this series of 93% is good, the paper does not provide statistically significant inform...
Most of you are seeing patients at advanced stage or recurrent disease. CHATIWALA: We still do MMR and HER2 in the advanced stage. HERZOG: You bring up a critical point: What’s the 1 thing everyone needs testing-wise? What’s the bare minimum? CHATIWALA: [At least getting] MMR. ...
For patients with stage III/IV endometrial carcinoma, prognosis remains poor and an optimum therapy is yet to be established. Treatment is individualized based on disease extent at presentation, patient’s performance status, and hormonal status of the t
Capture of cancer stage at diagnosis is important yet poorly reported by health services to population-based cancer registries. In this paper we describe current completeness of stage information for endometrial cancer available in Australian cancer registries; and develop and validate a set of rules ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the average life-years gained and cost per life-year gained in treatment of early endometrial cancer. Methods. We performed a decision analysis using statistical models for survival after treatment for Stage I endometrial cancer. Estimates for survival ...
The stage of cancer (how far the cancer has spread) How aggressive the cancer is, based on an examination of the cancer tissue (called the tumor grade) The type of cells that make up the cancer (called histological type) To provide two examples, a woman with low-risk endometrial cancer ...
Treatment of Stage Iiic Endometrial Cancer With Adjuvant Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy: 0690doi:10.1126/science.309.5735.681acondensed matter physics, superconductivity and superfluiditymagnetohydrodynamicsalfven waveswave propagationfluid flowmagnetic fieldsplasma waves...
Stage IIIC is the most common stage of locally advanced sub-stage of endometrial cancer, nevertheless, the optimal management for these patients remains controversial. Adjuvant chemotherapy alone more effectively suppressed distant metastases but resulted in a higher rate of pelvic failure, while adjuvant...