医学英语课件:Endocrine System 热度: EndocrineSystem CHAPTER13 2 EndocrineSystemOverview •Endocrinesystem –Consistsofductlessglands •Secretehormonesdirectlyintobloodstream –Affectthefunctionofspecificbodyorgans •Regulatesmanyintricatebodyfunctions 3
Endocrine System内分泌系统Diabetes糖尿病英文 EndocrineSystem Madebythe4thgroup2013.10 Whatisglands?Endocrinecells Hormone Exocrineglands releasetheirsecretionsintoaductthatcarriesthemtotheoutsidethebody Endocrineglands ReleasetheirhormonesdirectlyintothebloodsreamDuctSweatgland EndocrineGlands ThyroidGland •Thyroid h...
human endocrine system, group of ductlessglandsthat regulate body processes bysecretingchemical substances calledhormones. Hormones act on nearby tissues or are carried in the bloodstream to act on specific target organs and distant tissues. Diseases of theendocrine systemcan result from the oversecretion...
The endocrine system is a network of glands in your body that make the hormones that help cells talk to each other. They’re responsible for almost every cell, organ, and function in your body. If your endocrine system isn't healthy, you might have problems developing during puberty, gettin...
Thefunctionoftheendocrinesystem .wondershare Tosecretehormones Totransmitchemicalmessages Tomaintainhomeostasis FunctionsoftheEndocrinesystem .wondershare chemicalsubstancefromendocrinetissue signalmolecule Actingthroughreceptortoregulatebodyfunctions hormones .wondershare ...
The endocrine system consists of a variety of glandular tissues and individual non-glandular cells (neuroendocrine system) scattered throughout the body whose primary function is to maintain body homeostasis through the manufacture and secretion of a variety of chemical mediators (hormones). These can ...
Thus, the endocrine system, closely related to cortical and subcortical centers in the central nervous system, is one of the body's instruments to regulate and modulate its immune response. This hypothesized immunoregulatory pathway via the central nervous system and endocrine glands may well be of...
Endocrine System 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者: RV Krsti 摘要: The endocrine system is composed of several well-defined glands that discharge their secretory products, the hormones, into the internal milieu of the body, e.g., into blood, lymph, or cerebrospinal fluid. The ...
Bone mainly functions as a supportive framework for the whole body and is the major regulator of calcium homeostasis and hematopoietic function. Recently, an increasing number of studies have characterized the significance of bone as an endocrine organ, suggesting that bone-derived factors regulate loca...
EndocrineSystem(ES) interactswithnervoussystem(NS)to coordinateandintegratebodycell activity endocrinology –scientificstudyofhormonesandendocrine organs 09/03/20033 ControlofBodyFunctioning NS regulateactivityof musclesandglands –viaelectrochemical imupulsesvia ...