For over 30 years, ENDO-FLEX GmbH has been offering a comprehensive product portfolio of flexible endoscopic devices, instruments and implants that are perfectly attuned to one another. They convince their customers with unique selling points, such as individual and needs-oriented customized productions...
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商品名称 Anse à Polypectomie NOE 制造商 ENDO-FLEX Gmbh 注册日期 2015-03-17 代理 ASEPT INMED 通用名 unclassified 包装说明书上的设备名称 Anse à Polypectomie 产品等级 Classe IIb 起源 Non 无菌 oui 放射产品 non 扩展信息 ...
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Brush for endo适用范围由ENDO-FLEX GmbH生产,注册证编号为:国食药监械(进)字2010第2220779号。该产品中细胞刷子用于在内窥镜检查时从人体中提取组织试样。
品牌 Diapath EndoFlex Adlin EndoChoice Gyneas US endoscopy Wallach Surgical Devices Leica Biosystems Medgyn Products Biocytech Corporation S/B Medical Engineering Medical Wire & Equipment Mednova Medica 主要商品 细胞学刷 预装福尔马林瓶 Diapath细胞学刷 预装福尔马林瓶 Endo-Flex细胞学刷 预装福尔马林瓶...