Single-portal Endosopic Carpal Tunnel Ligament Releasedoi:10.6200/TCMJ.2004.1.1.13腕隧道症候群內視鏡單一切口正中神經減壓背景:腕隧道症候群是十分常見的週邊神經問題。目前的手術方式仍然以傳統的開放式腕隧道減壓術為主,其缺點是在手術後常見握力減弱及手掌魚際疼痛。相對地,內視鏡壓手術有許多好處,但方法種類...
摘要: 背景:腕隧道症候群是十分常见的周边神经问题.目前的手术方式仍然以传统的开放式腕隧道减压术为主,其缺点是在手术後常见握力减弱及手掌鱼际疼痛.相对地,内视镜压手术有许多好处,但方法种类繁多,且神经血管较易受伤,如何能简单又安全地使用内视镜手术来处理腕隧道症候群是我们完成这篇报告的动机.方法:我们使用...
It is the second most common form of nerve entrapment after carpal tunnel syndrome [1]. Several surgical techniques exist for treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. Endoscopic cubital tunnel release has been reported as a promising minimally invasive technique. This chapter aims to compare outcomes ...
In an age- and gender-matched series, 26 diabetic patients with CTS and 20 non-diabetic patients with CTS underwent biopsy of the PIN at the time of surgical carpal tunnel release. Control subjects consisted of ten PIN biopsies taken postmortem and three biopsies taken at the time of wrist ...
In dialysis-related amyloidosis, β2-microglobulin (β2-m) amyloid fibrils deposit in the osteoarticular tissue, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome and destructive arthropathy with cystic bone lesions, but the mechanism by which these amyloid fibrils destruct bone and joint tissue is not fully ...