Error when connecting to online database on Endnote 8 EndNote General 1 743 June 12, 2018 Find reference update: Unable to contact the online database EndNote General 1 1759 September 14, 2020 Unable to connect to PubMed (NLM) EndNote Styles, Filters, and Connections 4 2228 Janu...
Hello, I’m getting the following error when I’m trying to use the Find reference update option: Unable to contact the online database I’m using EndNote X9 desktop on Windows. I have tried downloading new connection files and it didn’t help. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks! T...
No options to perform search for words within PDF files attached, big gigantic turn off for renewing my future online sync subscriptions. Unable to paste copied texts onto the search, I had to manually type in order to search. Also doesn't support split screen on ipad. Zero attempts to upd...
Inactive lines, such as a member joining the Shared Library, are a light shade of gray, indicating to the user that they are unable to select that line. Activity lines not in light gray are meant to signify that they will show more information. For example, selecting a ...
Inactive lines, such as a member joining the Shared Library, are a light shade of gray, indicating to the user that they are unable to select that line. Activity lines not in light gray are meant to signify that they will show more information. For example, selecting a...
barbarasousa August 27, 2014, 12:06am 1 Sudently, the conection to Pubmed is not available. The message that appears is “Unable to contact the online database”. Is the only database that is not working. Any suggestion?Related topics ...
Hi, I've recently upgraded to X8. When I try to connect to the online database search (in my previous endnote version I could see a full list of databases, now I don't), the following happens: - first I get and error…
All of the sudden, I am unable to connect to PubMed. I'm running EndNote X7.8 for Mac The error message is: Unable contact the online database. Check that your internect connection is working. Or contact the database's…
I currently have Endnote 7.8X on my Mac. Everytime i try to search on Pubmed I get an error message "Unable to contact the online database." Please help me with this
I am unable to connect to PubMed. The error message is: Unable contact the online database. Check that your internect connection is working. Or contact the database's vendor for availability. The internet is ok and I'm…