1.the act of bringing to or reaching an end 2.the last part of something, as a book, film, etc 3.(Linguistics) the final part of a word, esp a suffix 4.(Chess & Draughts)chessanother word forendgame Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper...
We meet our ill-tempered protagonist—the story’s titular “brat”—at a low moment, but not yet at rock bottom. The Gabriel of the novel is mourning the death of his father as well as a recent breakup, and struggling to finish writing his second book. Alone and aimless, he agrees ...
Finally, in order to help you be successful with all of these new tools that you will have access to, the MSDN subscription will now also include a collection of Microsoft e-learning, which is about 20 hours worth of instruction. And naturally, you’ll also continue to have access toMSDN...
Later, give Clover the bookmark. Door 1 Afterward, go through door 1. If you did all of the things described in this section (get the bookmark, say it's "rather odd", ask Seven about Ice-9, and give Clover the bookmark), you will see the True Ending. Axe Ending The ...
However, the Extended Edition provides a really effective, satisfying ending that aligns with the book where it matters. Placed toward the beginning of the movie rather than the end, we don’t see Saruman and Wormtongue escape or go to the Shire, but we do see Wormtongue stab Saruman in ...
Whatever happens, the conclusion must not betray the logical advancement of the narrative. I always want an ending that sticks with the reader long after they finish the book. I hope you’ll find that in all my novels and short stories. The ending probably won’t be expected, but you ...
At the moment, I’m starting a new book (unless it ends up being a novella) and I have free time to really indulge myself with world-building and plotting. I’m writing for hours every day, and I rather hope (but secretly doubt) that I can sustain this sort of focus until the ...
There is something beautiful about them – to a book of his short stories. Sometimes it is super- the story has more legs to it than the author has natural, sometimes it is just unnatural; most of his currently chosen to indulge in, and our mind is free characters behave in absolutely ...
2. The teacher c___ the number of the students before setting out. She found someone was missing. 3. Simon d___a book from his bag and put it on the table. 4. Excuse me . Have you seen the s___ over there? It says no smoking here. 5.Bella s___ the information about Moth...
"The modern world comes to Downton," proclaims Lady Cora Crawley inthe secondDownton Abbeyfilm, and indeed it has, with the next film-length instalment of Julian Fellowes' period drama bringing the franchise quite literally intoA New Era. ...