The closing scene ofPlanet of the Apesis one of the greatest ending twists in cinematic history. The 1968 film starring Charlton Heston sees our protagonist marooned on a foreign planet inhabited by an advanced society of talking apes. Or so he thinks. By the end of the movie, Heston’s G...
Interstellar Movie Meaning • Docking Scene I loveInterstellarbut, boy oh boy, we’ve got a cringe-worthy exchange ofdialoguehere: TARS: Cooper, it’s not possible. COOPER: No, it’s necessary. Not great – but it’s hard to pick holes in ascriptas sharp asInterstellar. After some im...
"Dept. H" revolves around Mia, a special investigator hired to unspool a saboteur's plan at a deep sea research facility. The series traverses a long, complicated crime scene that plays out like a nautical game of Clue, where suspects must prove their innocence while surviving against the c...
" she said, adding that it was meant to connect to Cassie’s mom and her adventures in the Amazon. "I think what it relates to is really back in the 1970s when her mom was around, and it goes back to her inception story. So this is very much her story."...
“When I got the script of Inception, I was a bit puzzled by it, and I said to (Chris), ‘I don’t understand where the dream is’. I said, ‘When is it the dream and when is it reality?’ He said, ‘Well, when you’re in the scene it’s reality.’ So, get that – ...
The final scene of season 1 is a bittersweet conclusion to a TV show where the entire world is pushed into existential crisis. Jin and Saul are mourning the loss (physically, if not literally) of their friend Will, and drowning their sorrows realizing that humanity is extremely outmatched. ...
Investment piece:One of the many trenchcoats seen throughout PFW — a standout staple for the season. Budgets up or down:Sales are strong, we are continuing to push budgets. New talent:Not exactly new to the scene, but Christopher Esber has cemented his place as one of fashion...
I start getting a mental image of where the characters and pieces of the scene will go, which also corresponds with any visual direction Jeff gave in the script. This allows me to decide which panels will be wider/bigger, and which will be smaller. Once I get a feel for that I start...
Today, I don't worry much whether Inception's next scene is one way or the other. I accept both as true. I don't see a mystery; I see a valid branching that leads to two equally valid realities. Is that what happens to those of us who consume not just books that traditionally ...