英文:In yoga class, the teacher always emphasizes holding the ending pose of each movement for a few seconds. 中文:她的舞蹈表演以优雅的结束姿势赢得了观众的掌声。英文:Her dance performance won the applause of the audience with an elegant ending pose. 中文:体操运...
英文:In yoga class, the teacher always emphasizes holding the ending pose of each movement for a few seconds. 中文:她的舞蹈表演以优雅的结束姿势赢得了观众的掌声。 英文:Her dance performance won the applause of the audience with an elegant ending pose. 中文:体操运动员在比赛结束时做了一个高难度...
tiffany的solo曲《I JUST WANNA DANCE》舞台ending 《BAE BAE》舞台ending 少女时代10周年专辑主打歌之一《Hoilday》舞台ending 《FANCY》舞台ending 《已经12时》舞台ending
一开始大家只是扮model 行 runway和摆Pose, 就像时尚杂志VOGUE里面的模特儿, 因此1970s Drag Queen为这种摆Pose的风格取名为Voguing。 【二】『风格分类』 ⭐Old Way- 是最早的Vogue形式, 以时尚杂誌"Pose for Pictures"串连在一起而成的风格, 每一个动作都像在拍照, 也被中国武术文化, 石像姿势, 埃及图像...
一开始大家只是扮model 行 runway和摆Pose, 就像时尚杂志VOGUE里面的模特儿, 因此1970s Drag Queen为这种摆Pose的风格取名为Voguing。 【二】『风格分类』 ⭐Old Way- 是最早的Vogue形式, 以时尚杂誌"Pose for Pictures"串连在一起而成的风格, 每一个动作都像在拍照, 也被中国武术文化, 石像姿势, 埃及图像...
⭐Old Way- 是最早的Vogue形式, 以时尚杂誌"Pose for Pictures"串连在一起而成的风格, 每一个动作都像在拍照, 也被中国武术文化, 石像姿势, 埃及图像所影响而成, 讲求清晰肢体线条的组成, pose转移间的定格(Pop), 从容的旋转 (Spin)和地上的ending pose (Dip)⭐New Way - 90s头有班跳芭蕾, 现代舞...
【YUSHI】241215 'Dance break + WISH' NCT WISH 得能勇志直拍 |MUSIC BANK 02:26 【YUSHI】241003 'Hands Up' NCTWISH 得能勇志直拍 03:05 【YUSHI】241003 'Steady' NCTWISH 得能勇志直拍 03:00 【YUSHI】241212-13 'NASA' NCT WISH 得能勇志直拍 |LOG in NAGOYA 02:59 【YUSHI】241215"St...
with children. When Camila discovers her new love's secret after whisking herself to Cartagena for a surprise visit, she does what any heartbroken person would do in her situation: rents a house next door to Miguel, asks her cute cab driver to pose as her husband, has her belongings shipp...
Cortana then realises the harm that the Banished pose with a super-weapon in its hands, destroys a part of the ring to delay its activation, and prevents the deletion of The Weapon, setting a plan in motion for Master Chief to return, make a new best friend, stop the Banished, and ...
I think the guy she met was just hired or asked by the real guy to pose as him. And I bet she will fall in love with him through texting only to find out the real guy is actually not all that attractive. Serves her right for being so shallow. 0 11 reply alienshore February 4...