最终幻想7RE:Ending theme 配乐赏析 已放笙歌池院静 前几天和大家一同探讨了FF7re日版配音,今天再来聊一聊re的配乐。 5月27日,FF7re原声大碟发售,植松伸夫、浜涡正志、铃木光人主创,加上关户刚、牧野忠义等一众大咖的全情助力,带来了7张cd,180首原创、重编、混音之力作,为FF7世界的remake贡献了不可或缺...
I started playing for a dose of nostalgia — but now, I need to know how things will actually be different moving forward. Nick Statt, news editor: Given the infamously convoluted plot of the original FFVII, I was pretty sure of two things going into the remake: the game couldn’...
原文太长我懒得翻译了不过我会总结一下要点,先上原文,转Hollywood Report: "We're going to take this opportunity to make the movie better in prep than we've ever had a chance to do before," said McQuarrie, who confirmed a number of key players will be returning, including Ving Rhames, ...