We at Endgame Gear are passionate about gaming and want to enable all players to take it to the next level by creating the optimal gaming instruments they need. We believe that remarkable gaming achievements are possible through subtle advancements in technology and innovative features in the right...
Say hello to the ultimate gaming mouse that never sleeps, the Endgame Gear OP1 8k. Swappable Main Button Switches with Optional Switch Packs What makes a mouse click great? Ask this question to 10 people and get 11 different answers. Everyone has their own preferences and sometimes we ...
售价确实小高,慎重考虑模具顶中之顶传感器稳定非常不错!!!关注阿电谢谢喵!谢谢关注喵! 科技 数码 CSGO 鼠标 科技 数码 OP1WE 游戏鼠标 游戏外设 APEX 蓝牙鼠标 ENDGAMEGEAR郑阿电 发消息 粉丝群:868522938 外设产品合作加v:Dennki1005一款好用到爆的AI搜索工具!
The Endgame Gear OP1we is a lightweight wireless gaming mouse. It has a symmetrical shape and a low hump positioned towards the back of the mouse that's identical to the other mice in Endgame Gear's OP1 lineup. Endgame Gear positions this mouse and other "wireless essentials" (we) mod...
用户评价 参数信息 图文详情 本店推荐 用户评价 参数信息 品牌 endgame gear 颜色分类 Not Specified 图文详情 本店推荐 【日本直邮】罗技G电竞游戏鼠标80g 无线 充电 黑G-PPD-002XWL-BK ¥1439.0 自营|RazerGigantusV2 L游戏鼠标垫布制45cmx40cm纳米布雷蛇橡胶 ¥269.0 【日本直邮】Razer雷蛇 游戏用轻盈滑鼠...
【纯主观瞎G2评】痛并快乐着——Endgame Gear OP1WE 战歌_Yarex 2366 0 06:35 【外设三分钟】平价可靠Endgame OP1WE上手体验试玩 鼠标买手火云 4.3万 41 16:48 超高回报率的 Endgame Gear OP1 简直是在作弊(普通版、RGB版及8k版测评) UrNewPerif 5416 0 05:45 np01sw和op1we还不知道怎么...
Weighing no more than 49 g, the ambidextrous OP1 8K promises exceptionally low latency, owing to its 8000 Hz polling rate and custom Kailh GX main button...
综合来说,Endgame Gear OP1WE是一款比较均衡的轻量化中高端无线电竞鼠标,虽然传感器不是顶级,但对鼠标的定制化设计非常用心,最终的使用体验也很到位,特别适合FPS玩家。 #龙年赶集大会#数码焕新清单#数码每日翻包#数码想法创作大赛#2023数码新品 @知乎数码
Software Name XPANEL Endgame Gear OP1 8k Configuration Tool Software Windows Compatibility Yes Yes Software macOS Compatibility Yes No On-Board Memory Yes Yes CPI (DPI) Adjustment Yes Yes Polling Rate Adjustment Yes Yes Profile Configuration No No Profile Auto-Switching No No RGB On/Off No RGB...
参数信息 品牌 endgame gear 光学分辨率 8000dpi 连接方式 USB 是否支持人体工程学 是 鼠标轮询率 8Khz 成色 全新 适合手型 通用 颜色分类 Not Specified 图文详情 0 本店推荐 CPB散粉光感蜜粉肌肤之钥定妆持久控油修容粉扑26g雾面资生堂 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#V1dXV1oPmgu1BMw3eQX3Cj0OBjfDBy0GlA7DN5oFTQ+...