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Creality Ender-3 3D Printer|An open-source 3d printer with amazing printing precision and affordable price, quite the best 3d printer for beginners.
创想三维ENDER-3 v2高精度3d printer准工业级家用儿童ENDER-3 S1教育创客大尺寸DIY套件桌面级fdm3D打印机价格 ¥ 5248.00 ¥ 2218.00 起订数 1件起批 5件起批 发货地 广东广州 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 户外酒精汽化炉便携车载大火力高压力酒精炉加压可调节洒精气化炉 ¥ 1180.00 北极星机械纯铜...
Ender-3 V3 3D Printer, Fast & Stable in a New Form, Swift CoreXZ Motion System, Reliable Clog-free Extruder Kit, Stable New Metal Build
Ender-3 Pro Series 3D Printer 使用说明书 To be the Chief Evangelist Array【To make Top-quality 3D printer】◆This guide is for the Ender-3 Pro Series of 3D printers.◆Select the correct input voltage to match your local mains (230V or 115V)◆Because of software/hardware upgrades and ...
设备类型: 3d printer 精度等级: 高精度 打印技术: 未提供具体打印技术,请咨询 噪音水平: 低分贝运行 电源要求: 可适配115V/230V不同的电压环境 抗干扰能力: 强 运动性能: 快捷稳定 主板特性: 全新静音主板 皮带松紧调节: 全新XY轴调紧器,能快速调节皮带松紧度 工具整理: 新增工具盒功能,能快...
Ender-3 V2 3D Printer Modeling Technology: Fused deposition modeling(Fused Deposition Modeling) Printing Size: 220x220x250mm Filament: PLA/TPU/PETG Working Mode: Online or SD card offline Supported OS: MAC/WindowsXP/7/8/10 Filament Diameter: 1.75mm ...
爱企查为您提供安徽宏霸机械设备有限公司创想三维ENDER-3 v2高精度3d printer准工业级家用儿童教育创客大尺寸DIY套件桌面级等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多无肩带、羽绒服、包顺丰、英国ins、
Ender-3 S1 Plus V1.13D 3D Printer说明书 V1.13D Printer User Manual For a better experience in using our product, you can also learn how to use the Printer in the following ways: View the accompanied instructions and videos in the Storage card.Ender-3 S1 Plus ...