Ender-3 Pro Series 3D Printer 使用说明书 To be the Chief Evangelist Array【To make Top-quality 3D printer】◆This guide is for the Ender-3 Pro Series of 3D printers.◆Select the correct input voltage to match your local mains (230V or 115V)◆Because of software/hardware upgrades and ...
UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=delayed_printer_off DURATION=300 #时间可以改 单位秒 配置homeassistant实现在上位机关闭后,关闭智能插座 在homeassistant中配置延迟关键的辅助开关,并针对其编写三个自动化,实现接到打印机命令后延迟5分钟关闭小米智能插座,同时该开关打开可以实现联动小米智能插座开。 自动化一: alias: 3d打...
创想三维ENDER-3 v2高精度3d printer准工业级家用儿童ENDER-3 S1教育创客大尺寸DIY套件桌面级fdm3D打印机 更新时间:2024年07月09日 数智集采,工业好物狂欢趴!填写信息即可参与抽奖哦! 价格 ¥5248.00 ¥2218.00 起订量 1件起批 5件起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验2人想买 发货地 广东 广州 数量 ...
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创想三维ENDER-3 v2高精度3d printer准工业级家用儿童ENDER-3 S1教育创客大尺寸DIY套件桌面级fdm3D打印机价格 ¥ 5248.00 ¥ 2218.00 起订数 1件起批 5件起批 发货地 广东广州 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 户外酒精汽化炉便携车载大火力高压力酒精炉加压可调节洒精气化炉 ¥ 1180.00 北极星机械纯铜...
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The precision of the printer is ensured by a ±0.1mm accuracy, which means that your prints will be as close to perfection as possible. The build surface is made from durable PC Spring Steel, which provides a stable platform for your prints to adhere to, reducing the risk of warping or ...
able to carry the build platform steadily for a lasting time. Together, they will take good care of each print. User Interface Comes to Life The Ul adopts motion graphics to display the leveling process and other parameters. You can get how the printer is doing at a single glance. Get P...