Endangered small mammalsAn extensive survey of ectoparasites infesting small mammals in Sri LankaNew hosts are recorded for two tick and two flea species.All the new hosts reported here are endangered or critically endangered species.doi:10.1016/j.aspen.2014.04.007Yathramullage, Saranga...
Ecological Traits of Endemic Small Mammals in Rainforests of Sri Lanka, and Their Implications for ConservationWijesinghe, Mayuri RWijesinghe M.R. (2006). Ecological traits of endemic small mammals in rainforests of Sri Lanka and their implications for conservation. In: Fauna of Sr...
climate change risk for mammals, for example, Bismarck Archipelago, Malay Archipelago, and Solomon Islands, which include the islands of Papua New Guinea11,30. In addition, large-scale climate projections do not provide a fine enough resolution for the island scale, which does not account for ge...
Impact of habitat disturbance on the distribu- tion of endemic species of small mammals and birds in a tropical rain forest in Sri Lanka. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21: 661- 668.Wijesinghe MR, Brooke MD (2005) Impact of habitat disturbance on the distribution of endemic species of small ...
SRI LankaINDIACURRENT distributionLAST Glacial MaximumINTERNATIONAL Union for Conservation of Nature & Natural ResourcesHEDGEHOGSMAMMALSHABITATSHABITAT conservationThe Madras Hedgehog Paraechinus nudiventris (Horsefield, 1851) is a species endemic to a few isolated patches...
All are classified in the family Erinaceidae of the order Erinaceomorpha, which belongs to a larger group of mammals referred to as insectivores. Fossils similar to Echinosorex have been found in Pakistan dating to the Middle Miocene Epoch (16.4 to 11.2 million years ago)....
1.2. Cybertaxonomy of Mammals Perhaps for the first time, the combination of terms “cybertaxonomy”, “cybertype”, and “micro-CT” was used by Faulwetter et al. in 2013 [24,25] for their taxonomic investigation of marine polychaetes, which involved the targeted use of micro-computed tom...