Epidemic:是较为客观的说法,相当于“流行病”,常做医学术语,指的是在某个社区或者城市,同时出现某种疾病的大量病例。Endemic:常指的是“地方病”,地方性(某地或某集体中)特有的疾病。Plague:一般指“鼠疫;瘟疫”,Plague or the plague is a very infectious disease that usually results in death. The...
Epidemic 所指的情形是:在某个社区或城市,同时出现某种疾病的大量病例;例如:The outbreak of a flu epidemic 流行性感冒的爆发。 除了Literal的直接含义,Epidemic 还经常用作Figurative 含义,指的是:a sudden rapid increase in how often st...
epidemic在流行病学中指的就是“流行病”。流行病学(epidemiology)也是得名于此。“epi”这个词缀意为“upon,above”,所以epidemic就是“upon people”或者“above people”,表明了病症不止在某一人群内发病,还会降临到所有人头上。epidemic disease的R0 > 1,也即一个患病者将会传染不止一个人,患病人数也将指数...
The government declared a state of emergency in response to the worsening opioid epidemic, emphasizing the need for comprehensive addiction treatment.(政府宣布进入紧急状态,以应对不断恶化的阿片类药物流行,强调了全面戒毒治疗的必要性。) Health officials are closely monitoring the situation as cases of the...
世界卫生组织对pandemic的定义是:A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. 从这个定义当中我们可以看到,pandemic是epidemic的一种,但是它的范围一定要非常大,至少要跨越国界甚至是...
释义 ■ endemic 与 epidemic 前者是“地方病”,后者是“流行病”、“时疫”。此外,endermic 是医学用语“皮下的”。三者的词义差别很大,不要混淆。 目录 随便看 bore bored bored 与 boring boring born borrow both bother bow and arrow bread break a leg breakfast bridge bring bring 与 take british bro...
Epidemic 对比Endemic 分析 词典对比 组词对比 【Endemic】 means peculiar to a given country or people. The fish are 【endemic】 to the waters of the Hawaiian Islands. An 【epidemic】 is something, usually a disease, that breaks out suddenly and affects many people. The polio 【epidemic】 still...
Villalon P, Valdezate S, Cabezas T, Ortega M, Garrido N, Vindel A, Medina-Pascual MJ, Saez-Nieto JA. 2015. Endemic and epidemic Acin- etobacter baumannii clones: a twelve-year study in a tertiary care hospital. BMC Microbiol 15:47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12866-015-0383-y....
Epidemic:词根含义是‘在某个人群之上(upon the people)’,流行范围超过endemic的地区或者进入通常没有此种疾病的地区,可翻译为‘流行病’。这通常指高度传染性(highly contagious),同时影响很多人,迅速广泛传播的疾病。例如,‘流感流行(an epidemic outbreak of influenza)’。它的定义具有一定的主观性,和人们的‘预...
Epidemic:是较为客观的说法,相当于“流行病”,常做医学术语,指的是在某个社区或者城市,同时出现某种疾病的大量病例。 Endemic:常指的是“地方病”,地方性(某地或某集体中)特有的疾病。 Plague:一般指“鼠疫;瘟疫”,Plague or the plague is a very infectious disease that usually results in death. The patie...