The last known record of the species dates back to 2006. The Service’s decision is the culmination of a listing process that began 11 years ago with the submission of a petition to list by the Xerces Society in 2010. In its press release announcing the decision, the Service both noted ...
Endangered Species ActTakings Clauseendangered species listingThe insight upon which this article is built is that the common structures of these two legal regimes create incentives toward destroying the resources they seek to protect. The shift from legal freedom to exploit resources to strict ...
based on objective scientific information on the biological status of the species and not on its economic or other value. Until a species is listed, it does not receive most of the protections of the act and the Department of Interior has a large backlog of species in the listing process....
The species will remain listed as endangered unless and until the species is formally downlisted under the ESA pursuant to the necessary rulemaking process. Citing better understanding of the GCWA and its habitat needs, along with ... Continue Tags: downlisting, drought, emergency listing, ...
Polar Bears: Listing Under the Endangered Species Act Eugene H. Buck Specialist in Natural Resources Policy Resources, Science, and Industry Division Summary Polar bears depend on an Arctic sea ice habitat, which some believe is threatened by climate warming causing an earlier thaw and later freez...
In the formal notice outlining the new final rules, the federal agencies observe that the National Marine Fisheries Service already treats endangered and threatened species differently. Another element of the rules deals with the species-listing process. The regulations continue to follow the Endangered...
Aglaia is a genus of plants in the Meliaceae family, consisting of over 140 species of trees and shrubs found throughout tropical regions of the world. The species typically have pinnate leaves and produce small, yellow flowers with five petals. The fruits of Aglaia plants are usually fleshy,...
Endangered species, any species that is at risk of extinction because of a sudden rapid decrease in its population or a loss of its critical habitat. Previously, any species of plant or animal that was threatened with extinction could be called an endang
Federal officials plan to designate the northern long-eared bat as an endangered species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Tuesday the once-common bat is in danger of extinction because of a deadly fungal infection called “white-nose syndrome.”
federal Endangered Species Act as “Endangered,”“Threatened,”“Candidate,”“Proposed Threatened,” or “Proposed Endangered” or by the California Endangered Species Act as “Endangered,”“Threatened,”“Candidate for Listing as Endangered,” and “Candidate for Listing as Threatened” (CNDDB, ...