These species slowly disappeared because of change of climate and their failure to adapt to such conditions as competition and predation(捕食). Since the 1600s, however, the process of extinction has greatly accelerated as a result of both human population growth and technological encroachment (侵犯...
Endangered species are animals that are on their way to becoming extinct. Some of the reasons why animals become endangered are caused by humans.(1) ___ Forests and grasslands are being destroyed for farm land Pollution is another leading cause of endangered animals. Air, water, and land poll...
diedoffandtherateofbirthislowerthanthespecies' deathrate.Today,moreandmoreanimalandplantspeciesareonthewaytoextinctionbecauseofavarietyofmajorfactorsthatcauseaspeciestobecomeendangered,andasyoumightexpect,humansplayaroleinquiteafewofthem-infact,thebiggestthreattoendangeredanimalsishumanencroachment(侵入)ontheir...
There are debates happening all over the world as people try to figure out ways to save the endangered animals by increasing their numbers. There are different methods being use for different species but all the animals and fish can benefits from humans reducing pollution and controlling how many...
Endangered species, any species that is at risk of extinction because of a sudden rapid decrease in its population or a loss of its critical habitat. Previously, any species of plant or animal that was threatened with extinction could be called an endang
Two subspecies are listed as endangered species.(more) 2 of 2 alulaAlula (Brighamia insignis), a rare and critically endangered plant native to Hawaii.(more) Although some of these hazards occur naturally, most are caused by human beings and their economic and cultural activities. The most ...
One of the things that we don't tend to think of is where the animals and plants go when we destroy their habitat. Many of these species cannot simply migrate, or move to another area. Therefore, they go extinct, or cease to exist. ...
Endangeredspeciesare those considered to be at risk of extinction‚ meaning that there are so few left of their kind that they could disappear from the planet altogether.Endangeredspeciesare threatened by factors such as habitat loss‚ hunting‚ disease and climate change‚ and usually‚enda...
5.Endangering Mechanism and Strategy for Conservation of Endangered Plant;珍稀濒危植物的濒危机制与保护对策 6.Endangered Causes and Protection Measures of Endangered Plants in China中国濒危植物的濒危原因及保护对策 7.Endangered and Rare Species of Marine Medicinal Organisms and Their Protection in China中国...
Forests and grasslands are being destroyed for farm land Pollution is another leading cause of endangered animals.Air,water,and land pollution can harm animals by destroying their living environment.(2) G For example,the arrival of new animal species in an area can endanger wild animals.All the...